
  • Created by: jensamera
  • Created on: 11-05-17 21:29

1. What are the main advantages of first past the post?

  • Simplicity, Clear Outcome, Strong and Stable Government, Accountability, Effective representation
  • Limited choice, Disproportional outcomes, Votes are of unequal value
  • Its very efficient for general elections
1 of 13

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2. FPTP is a majoritarian system.

  • False
  • True

3. Give an example of an attempted electoral reform

  • JV referendum 2011
  • AV Referendum 2011
  • SV Referendum 2011

4. What are the main features of CPLS?

  • Proportional representation system, Returns back large amount of representatives, electorate only vote for the party not candidate, seats allocated according to proportion of votes
  • It has no main features as it is a exclusive electoral system
  • Majoritarian system, returns back large amount of representatives

5. What are some valid examples of social characteristics that could affect the way people vote

  • Gender, Weight, Social Class, Age
  • Gender, Ethnicity, Social class, Age, Region
  • Weight, Height, Shoe size, Region


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