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6. Where is AMS used in the UK?

  • Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly, London Assembly
  • London Mayoral elections, Scottish Assembly, Welsh Assembly
  • Northern Irish Parliament, Scottish Parliament, London Assembly

7. What is the name of the method used to calculate votes in STV

  • Droop Quota
  • L'coq Formula
  • D'hont Formula
  • L'coq Quota

8. What are the functions of elections

  • Representation, Choosing a government, Participation, Influence over policy, Accountability, Citizen education
  • The functions of elections are to get lazy people active
  • Representation, Pressure group membership, e-petitions, influence over policy

9. Give an example of an attempted electoral reform

  • AV Referendum 2011
  • SV Referendum 2011
  • JV referendum 2011

10. Which electoral system is used for Northern Irish Assemblies

  • First-past-the-post
  • Single Transferable Vote (STV)
  • AMS (hybrid system)
  • Supplementary Vote (SV)

11. What rule is used when calculating seats in AMS

  • D'hont Formula/Rule
  • Droop Quota
  • L'hont Formula/rule

12. What are the main features of CPLS?

  • Majoritarian system, returns back large amount of representatives
  • Proportional representation system, Returns back large amount of representatives, electorate only vote for the party not candidate, seats allocated according to proportion of votes
  • It has no main features as it is a exclusive electoral system

13. Where is Supplementary Vote used in the UK

  • Scottish Parliament
  • London Assembly
  • London Mayoral Elections
  • Welsh Assembly