Effects of Gnosticism on the Church

  • Created by: Rc639
  • Created on: 26-03-18 19:17
1. the Canon Of Scripture
The Church was forced to develop a list of authorised scriptures to make it clear for its own members which books were true & apostolic. Some books were rejected as being Gnostic e.g Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Truth
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2. The Development of Creeds
The church found that its basic early creeds were inadequate to exclude and combat heresy
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3. The Old Testament
This was claimed as a Christian book to show the unity of God's plan, through creation, the Prophets and then Christ
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4. Emphasis on Apostolicity and Catholicity
The Church was forced to promote the unity and harmony of the faith based on the tradition handed down through the apostles and maintained by the bishops
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5. The development of Xn Gnosis
This was developed at Alexandria by Clement and Origen. They made Christianity more appealing to the intellectual mind to combat Gnosticism, developing a systematic theology. Every heresy was a stimulus to constructive Christian thought.
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5. Continuing from last flash card
It meant that Christianity became more complicated for the ordinary believing Christian
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6. The rise of Montanism
Was separated by the emphasis of many Gnostics on an ascetic lifestyle
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7. Christian Apologists
The apologists not only had to defend Xty in the face of persecution. Also had to defend it against the heresies threatening the unity of the church. Men like Irenaeus strongly attacked Gnosticism in their writings. A large volume of Xn lit. emerged
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Card 2


The church found that its basic early creeds were inadequate to exclude and combat heresy


2. The Development of Creeds

Card 3


This was claimed as a Christian book to show the unity of God's plan, through creation, the Prophets and then Christ


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Card 4


The Church was forced to promote the unity and harmony of the faith based on the tradition handed down through the apostles and maintained by the bishops


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Card 5


This was developed at Alexandria by Clement and Origen. They made Christianity more appealing to the intellectual mind to combat Gnosticism, developing a systematic theology. Every heresy was a stimulus to constructive Christian thought.


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