EEG, memory and Blood pressure, myelin

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 21-05-17 08:03
what wave shows high intermittent bursts of 30-80Hz in the sensory and motor cortex?
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what is the range of frequency for theta waves?
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what is the role of Non-rem sleep?
restorative, without breakdwon homeostatic mechanisms
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how much blood is in the body?
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how much filtrate is produced per day?
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what is the range of field potentials on the EEG? remember units!
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whats good about the EEG?
good temporal resolution, cheap and non invasive
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what does MEG measure?
electric current
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which one do you have yoyr eyes closed and are relaxed for, beta alpha?
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what is the role of gamma waves?
normal awake eyes open intermittent bursts in sensory+motor regions, multiple pathways related to a common experience (all modalities?)
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where did the wave origin come from
cortico-thalamic oscillations feedback between the cortex and thalamus, they measure electrical activity deep in the cortex
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what is a kappa, alha like wave for?
auditory cortex
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which waves have mirror neurons and are possibly trainable for computer interfacing?
mu, (alpha like waves)
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where are mu waves found?
sensorimotor cortex
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what are theta waves described as, past and recent?
frustrated adults, children, brain tumours and more recently: spatial memory tasks, hippocampal theta rhythm in memory
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when are sleep waves established in gestation? when do they appear?
established by 30 weeks but appear at 24 weeks
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what are the stages of non rem sleep?
1) alpha rhythm slows drowsy 2) sleep spindles appear light sleep 3) no slieep spindles into 4) delta waves, heavy sleep high amplitude low frequency less that 4Hz
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what evidence is there that the body is still active in stage 4 delta deep sleep?
sleep walking, sleep talking
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what animals have rem (dream) sleep?
mammals and young birds
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what wave is non-rem sleep seem to be likje?
like beta rhythm
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What happens to REM sleep as you get older?
it reduces
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what is thought to be important about REM sleep?
laying down of memory
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what animal sleeps with one half of itsbrain at a time?
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what NT are important in the brain stem regions in the reticular activating system for sleep?
acetylcholine, adrenaline, seotonin and gaba
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a build up of what promotes sleep?
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where is the body clock? what is it called?
the suprachiasmiatic nucleus in the hypothalamus
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what does the suprachiasmatic nucleus secre?
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where does the hypothalamus/suprachiasmatic nucleus project to?
the brain stem
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what is reduced in catapley
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what influences the amount of melatonin released from the pineal gland?
light levels by melanospin ganglion cells
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what 2 processes is sleep a balance of?
process C- circadian rhythm and process S- sleep debt
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what changes throughout the day in the pineal gland?
serotonin during the day, less light -> more melatonin -> sleep promotion
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what loops do you get when you're awake?
cholinergic aminergic loops
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what role in sleep does the basal forebrain have?
regulates awareness and sleep
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what neurotransmitters are about when you're awake?
serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine
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what can indicate brainstem damage?
loss of pupillary reflex or blink reflex
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what happens to the EEG trace if you get brain death?
may not detect subcortical activity
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how much of the dry weight of weight matter is myelin?
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what is myelin?
a lipid rich living insulating sheath
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what is the main role of myelin?
to insulate the neuron and increase the conduction velocity
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what makes myelin in the CNS
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what do schwann cells myelinate?
individual axons, they may surround all axons but not myelinate in the PNS
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what cell type outumbers any in the brain?
cerebellar granule cells
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what is the major period (dense line)?
linked internal proteins
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how does oligos do myelinaton?
send out proceses and wrap around different processes
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why do you get dark and light band in myelin?
because of the way it forms the cytoplasm gets very thin so theres no distance between the cyto + M so they can fuse
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what line does linked external proteins give?
Intraperiod line (faint)
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what is the periocitity in the PNS?
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what is periocity?
set distance between major dense line and intraperiod faint line
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how much of myelin is dry lipid?
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what are cerebrosides?
any group of complex lipids found in the sheath
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what happens if you get a KO wih cerebrosides?
myelin forms but with vacuoles, paralysis seen in aged animals
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what does CNS myelin have more of?
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what does the PNS have less of?
cerbroside and sulfatide
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2 major proteins in CNS myeline?
myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein
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what is the milder phenotype in PLP KO mice?
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what is the full phenotype for the natural mutation in PLP?
jimpy mouse
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what happens to jimpy mouse when they lose their PLP?
little myelin, die early, severe loss of oligos, plp produced is toxic
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what does MBP induce?
experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
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what is experimental allergic encephalomyelitis a mdoel for?
multiple sclerosis
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what kind of mice do you get with a loss of MBP?
shiverer mice- they die early
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what enzymes are found in CNS myelin?
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, proteases, lipid metabolism, carbonic anhydrase
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what Ig-like molecules are found in CNS myelin proteins?
MOG and MAG, oligo-axon communication
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MOG and MAG stand for?
MOG: membrane only glycoprotein MAG: membrane associtaed glycoprotein
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how much of PNS myelin protein is P0?
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what knockout gives charot marie tooth syndrombe 1b?
p0 protein in pns myelin
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what is P0 protein for?
adhesion molecules, compaction- makes more dense, promotes sticking together of shcwann cell membranes
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what protein is less importnat in PNS myelin?
myelin basic protein
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a mutation in what gives charot marie tooth syndrome 1a?
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what happens to the heterozygous mutaion of PMP22?
myelin not attached at nodes, changes loops
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what is the homozygous mutation of PMP-22 conseques?
lethal no adults
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when is the onset of MS?
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where is the myelin particularly vunerable in MS?
perivenricular white matter, anywhere theres spaces
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what kind of emyelination is in MS?
primary demyelination (Axon sparring)
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what do you see on an MRI for MS?
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what was the concordance reate for MS MZ twins?
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who is MS more common in?
caucasians (f-1.5: M-1)
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clusters/migration studies and geographical distrubition suggests what may be involved in MS?
vitamin D
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what elese can trigger MS?
virally induced conditions such as herpes
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what is charot marie tooth disease?
inherited conditions that damage peripheral nerves
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what are linkage studies looking at in MS?
look for gene variance it may be associated with the immune system (immunological factors)
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what is the autoimmune response in MS?
generally accepted as theres a clear inflammatory response, no evidence for autoantigen, macrophageproteases degrade myelin
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what therapy can be given for MS?
steroids, interferons (intefere with immune reponse) , immune supressants(antibodies+cyclophosphamide), haemopoietic stem cels, dietary Vitamin D
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what immune supressant antibodies can be given for MS?
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what is guillan barre syndrome caused by?
post viral/bacteria infecton- campylobacter jejuni, acute inflammatory response, primary demyelination
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what is the molecular mimicry in guillan barre syndrome?
Lipopolysacchire in bacteria wall and myelin lipids/proteins
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what can be used to treat high bp?
diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, propanol (beta blocker) , prazoosin, nitroglyceride
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how does prazosin work?
angiotensin receptor blockers, sympa antagonist at alpha 1 receptors- decreases TPR by vasodilating
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what bp drug is used to decrease CO by decreasing SV and heart rate?
atenolol- reduce rate and volume, by B1 sympa antagonsit, calicum channel blockers- verapamil (reduces force of contraction)
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what calcium channel blocker is there?
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what is a sympa antagonist at B1 recps?
atenolol (volume and rate)
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what sympa antagonist at alpha 1 receptor decrease TPR by vasodilating?
prazosin (sympa A1 antagonist rec- blocs angiotensin rec)
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what is used to make raise bp?
agiotensin 2, phenyephrine, dobutamine, digatilis
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what works by reducing Acetylcholine release from the vagus nerve andis a Na/K pump inhibitor that will then exhcanh=ge Na for Ca + imporcve contractibility?
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what does digitalis increase?
cardiac output (increased by SV or rate)
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what is the sympa agonist at A1 to increase bp?
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what is the B1s ysmpa agonist to raise bp by increasing frate + volume?
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what does the angiotensin do to bp?
increases it- vasoconstriciting increases total peripheral reesistance
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what is the MABP?
1/3 PP + diastolic pressure
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how do you work out the pulse pressure?
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what equation is used to work out MABP in relation to BP?
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short term control of bp?
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long term control of bp?
blood volume- angiotensin system
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how do you measure arterial bp?
cuff inflated above systolic pressure, pressure relased, first soud (loud tapping) = systolic pressure, release until muffling- UK or silence- US for diastolic
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in measuring arterial blood presure you're listening for sounds in what artery?
brachial artery
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how much blood is ejected at 70bpm?
7bpm @ 70ml
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what is the cardiac output usually?
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whatis systolic pressure mainly affected by?
stroke volume and ejection velcoty (SV + EV)
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the diastolic pressure is mainly affected by total peripheral resistance but the resistance mostly from what?
mostly arteriole reisstance
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what is an example of baroreceptor control?
orthostasis-standing up
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to raise bp in orthostasis what does the reflex do?
sympa outflow to heart inrease, sympa increases heart rate and contraction forces o CO goes up, sympa flow to bvs causes constriction so resistance increased bp increased
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what is the systolic pulse pressure?
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what is the systemic bp?
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what is the pulmonary bp?
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what thepulmonary pulse pressure?
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what s he capillary pressure for the pulmonary and sysoic?
pulmonary = 10mmHG, systemic= 15mmHG
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what happens to bp in light exercise?
diastolic pressure down as TPR decreases, systolic pressure up as stroke volume and ej up
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what is the inscisura and dicrotic notch caused by?
backflow of blood through valves
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determinants of BP?
systolic- EJ + SV, diastolic- TPR, blood flow from arterial to venous sides
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what are the 2 types of memory?
proecdural ad sicriminative
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what is long term potentiation?
persistent increase in synaptic strength followig high frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse
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where are studies of LTP usually done?
in hippocampus- hippocampall slices (learning+memory)
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a lot of the work on LTP has been done on what part of the hippocampus?
synaptic connections between schaffer collaterals and CA1 pyramidal cells, electrical stimulation of schaffer collaterals generates EPSPs in the postsynaptic CA1 cells
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what is the hippocampal slice pathway?
perforant pathway -> mossy fibres to CA3 ->? CA3 tp CA1 by schaffer collaterals
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how can LTP be caused?
high frequency burst of synapse, post-tetanic LTP2 nerves stimulated at same time), LTP in specific pathway
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where are the inputs to the hippocampus?
entorhinal cortex
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what are the outputs of the hippocampus?
via the fornix
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what increases in a longer time in LTP?
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what is strengthened in a LTP in the hippocampus?
strengthened response from CA1 cells
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when looking at LTP they look at CA3 to CA1 region of hippocampus what are they tryingto do?
strengthen response from CA1 cells in a long term way
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what does reverbrating circuits mean?
lots of cells connected together , memory distributed over lots of cells, specific frequency brings up that memory
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what is the hebbian synapse concept?
that synapses activity is modiafiable and synapses are plastic
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long term storage seems to be what?
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what is memory?
a storage of learned infomation
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what is the engram?
the physical embodiment of a memory
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what is another name for implicit memory?
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what is procedural memory?
skills and associations largely unavailable to the conscious mind
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what is working memory a part of?
short term memory so seconds or minutes
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how long is immediate memory?
few seconds
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where in the brain is responsible for working memory?
pre-frontal cortex
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what kind of memory is the cerebellum inolved with?
procedural, sensorimotor
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what lesions cause memory loss?
hippocampal lesions
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what is the hippocampus imortant for in memmory?
declarative and converting short to long term memory
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what is learning?
acuisition of infomation
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what s recall?
reacqusition of stored infomation
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the NS perform different types of what?
learning, memory
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different forms of meory are stored in different what?
ways/pathways and regions
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what is declarative memory?
memory avaliable ot the conscious mind cna be encoded inlanguage or symbols
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how long is long term memory?
days, months or years
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what is the importance of the amgdala in memory?
emotional/learnt fear/implict (procedural), multiple processed sensory inputs like smell, eg smell perfume of ex:(
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how many layers is the cortex of the hippocampus?
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why does the hippocampus have an unusual development?
seperation of cell layers that are continuous
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what is lost in a stroke that means you can't lay down new memories?
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how long is facilitiation/depression? how does this occur?
short term(minutes/hours), calcium avaliability and vesicle depletion
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how long is long term facitilation/depression?
sustained for days or weeks
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what is facitilation?
strenghtening output towards stimulus
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what is depression?
weakening of output to stimulus
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what is the other way LTP can be caused?
paired LTP (temporal pairing of inputs)
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what is paired LTP?
coincident stimulus and depolirasition
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what is paired LTP by associativity?
2 inputs, 1 cell same time -> strengthening of cell
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what are you actually doing in paired LTP?
stimulus + depolarisation at same time so stimulus to schaffer collaterals and then depolarising CA1
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where is long term depression looked at? what does LTD do to the epsp amp?
cerebullum, dcreases the EPSP
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what does the gill withdrawal reflex demonstrate?
1) habitutation 2) short term sensitisation 3) long term sensitisation 4) classical and operant conditioning
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how do you get short term sensitisation in the aplysia california?
pair single tail pinch with sphon touch -> restablishes siphon reflex for about 60+ mins
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in what way does the aplysia california show habituation?
repeated gentle stimuli to siphon shows reduced gill withdrawal
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how do you get a long term siphon/gill withdrawal reflex?
repeatedly pair aversive tail pinch with siphon touch (classical conditioning)
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what does LTP, LTD and aplysia require?
receptor activation by glutamate or serotonin, altered synaptic responsivity, mediated by 2nd messengers 9ca+cAMP), pro phosphorylaion early stages,pro syn later stages , biochemstriuctural pre+post synaptic changes
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what is anterograde amnesia?
not eing able to make new memories like in stroke
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what amnesia is not being able to get old memories?
retrograde amnesia
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what can cause amnesia?
ECT, tumours, head trauma. surgery
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what is succeptible in alzeheimers?
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what do you get in alzeheimers brain?
senile plaques and tangles, brain enlarged temporal horns more fluid filled, loss of hippocampus
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what happens in Kluver Bucy syndrome?
amygdala lesions, papez circuit:hyper everything and visual and tactile agnosia
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the range of frequency for theta waves?



Card 3


what is the role of Non-rem sleep?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how much blood is in the body?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how much filtrate is produced per day?


Preview of the front of card 5
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