Education For Leisure - Duffy

  • Created by: 08baxterr
  • Created on: 27-04-14 11:19
Key Themes
Isolation, Identity, Entrapment, Opression, Madness
1 of 16
"Today I am going to kill something. Anything."
- animalistic attitude - ambiguous action and identity - desperation of voice - precise, hints towards intelligence - dangerous and destructive attitude
2 of 16
"I am going to play God."
- "play" implies childish attitude - out of control -
3 of 16
"a sort of grey boredom stirring in the streets"
- monotonous - syballance creates entrapment within the line - vague, in a dream-like state, could be a cry for help
4 of 16
"I squash a fly against the window"
- build up to nothing, unable to make a real impact on the world - "fly" represents the voice, trapped and oppressed -
5 of 16
"We did that at school. Shakespeare. It was in/ another language and now the fly is in another language."
- they drew nothing from Shakespeare - shows intelligence, bored - line break shows breaking of control - the language of death - dark twist
6 of 16
"I breathe out talent on the glass to write my name."
- the name fades on the glass, they are unable to make an impact - ironic, what they see as talent we do not - "my name" is still not revealed, we can never understand - "glass" symbolises barrier, they can see everything but can't get to it
7 of 16
"The cat/ knows I am a genius and has hidden itself."
- inteligence of cat, connecting to other animals - "genius", we don't know if they are lying or not, oppressed genius - "hidden" implies desire to draw fear from others
8 of 16
"I pull the chain."
- "chain" implies rebellion, enslavement, industrialization - rebellion against 1980s changes - they can only "pull", they cannot free themselves - "pull" implies desperation and determination
9 of 16
"I see that it is good."
- reference to Genesis - reversal of desire, creation to destruction - inspiration from Old Testament - monosylabic words reminiscent of God's traditional booming voice - they can only quote God
10 of 16
"I walk the two miles into town/ for signing on."
- gives some context to the situation - 1980s Thatcher society - forced to obey the society
11 of 16
"They don't appreciate my autograph."
- famous or infamous - unachievable desire - alliteration creates claustrophobia in the line - "my" trapped between alliteration, insignificant - separating them self from others
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"He cuts me off."
- cut off the radio, cut off from society - 1980s cuts, living on the bread line - full stop, silenced
13 of 16
"I get our bread knife and go out."
"our" implies not alone, involves the reader, we are connected to the voice - bread has biblical connotations as the stuff of life, twisting creation into destruction
14 of 16
"The pavements glitter suddenly."
- no longer monotonous and pointless,they have become beautiful and important - believes they have found the ultimate purpose - interpretation of drug use - "suddenly" is cut off, just like them
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"I touch your arm."
- the reader is involved in both the voice's action and the victim's responce - trying to help us understand, a cry for help - we never find out how it ends, we assume they lose control - cold voice, has lost it's emotion
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


- animalistic attitude - ambiguous action and identity - desperation of voice - precise, hints towards intelligence - dangerous and destructive attitude


"Today I am going to kill something. Anything."

Card 3


- "play" implies childish attitude - out of control -


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Card 4


- monotonous - syballance creates entrapment within the line - vague, in a dream-like state, could be a cry for help


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Card 5


- build up to nothing, unable to make a real impact on the world - "fly" represents the voice, trapped and oppressed -


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