Education Sociology terms

vocational education
It prepares people to work in various jobs.
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Public Schools
long established, student selective, fee charging independent secondary school
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An attempt to improve education by making schools and colleges compete for students in an 'education market'. ... The process of applying market forces of consumer choice to education.
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secondary education
the second and final phrase of basic education
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League Tables
A set of statistics used to compare the performances of a number of individuals, groups, or institutions a league table of examination results
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Streaming or Tracking
the entire school population is assigned to classes according to whether the students' overall achievement is above average, normal or below average
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Personal, Social and Health Education
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The behavior involves judging other groups relative to the preconceptions of one's own ethnic group or culture
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multicultural education
Education that teaches the value of cultural diversity
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Material deprivation
A lack of resources and money needed for educational success.
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Positive discrimination
Treating people more favourably because they have been discriminated against in the past
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Tripartite system
State funded secondary education
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vocational education
It prepares people to work in various jobs.
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Differential educational achievement
Systematic differences in the performance of social groups in the education system. E.g. between classes.
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cultural capital
the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations
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equality of opportunity
giving people an equal chance to succeed
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a system in which promotion is based on individual ability or achievement
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myth of meritocracy
the idea that everyone can achieve whatever goals he or she desires by virtue of hard work and perseverance.
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state education
Education provided by local and central governments
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hidden curriculum
the informal and unofficial aspects of culture that children are taught in school
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Card 2


long established, student selective, fee charging independent secondary school


Public Schools

Card 3


An attempt to improve education by making schools and colleges compete for students in an 'education market'. ... The process of applying market forces of consumer choice to education.


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Card 4


the second and final phrase of basic education


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Card 5


A set of statistics used to compare the performances of a number of individuals, groups, or institutions a league table of examination results


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