
  • Created by: Jeysi
  • Created on: 21-05-23 12:49


class -External

Cultural deprivation


= restricted code = typically used by WC short broken sentences,limited voabulary ,

=elaborated code = Typically used by MC more complex grammatically coreect sentences with a widervocabualry

= mc do better in school as textbooks,exams and teachers use the elaborated code meanaing mc people will be more familiar and be able to understand the work more then wc 

Parents achievement

wc = parents place less value on school therefore dont have many expectations for there children = therefore wont see any imprtance is teacher meetings school trips and are likley not to attend or try help schldren with school

Mc= whereas parents will have good dispiline and hae higher expectations for there children,by trying there best to make sure there child succed by going on meetings ext.

Parents income 

=Wc = wont spend there limited money on school resoruces as they may find it unessascyr and a waste - whereas mc parents are mor elikly to spend there money on toys,books,enrichement,turtoring to futher improve stimulate intellectualdevelopment reasoning skills.therefore when attenting school wc children will have less knowlege compared to mc showing the differnce in there work and achiveemetn.MC students havig gone to trips like libaries,muesumas have found enjoyment with learning which can also give more ethusiam in school when learning therefore tyring to focus harder which will leabetter achievement and attainment during school

Parinting style 

WC - use more negative decipline shouting ,getting angry at chils 

MC - will use better dicipline teacheing child how to behave correctly in a more positive manner.

wc subcultures

fatalist= live for today and fate decideds how live will go 

present time oriantation =seeing present as more imprtant then the future -no long term-goals

Material deprivation

HOUSING= overcrowiding in wc home = less places to study,may have to share bedrroms which can cause lack of sleep less focus in school, if areas are cold damp this can cause health risks and there may lead to absenses in school,temporary accomodation moving houses alot is distracting and may affect student if there having to move to different schools multiple times. disrupted education


cannot afford foods that are needed so Less vinimins ,minerals and energy having less concentration in schools = poorer immune system more absesnscs

emotional behavioal problems wc children suffer = higher rate of hyperactivity,anxiety,conduct disorders= negative impact on childs education

wc children having "externilising behavion" tantrums fights within school disturbing education


costs of ed can be expesive -transport,unifrom ,equipment therefore student may have to deal with "hand me down" and have risk of getting buillied for not having the lastest things which can cause a low self esteem 

May have to take o jobs to afford schooling but this can take time away from leaning and can be disrtcting compared to mC students that dont deal with these issues 


Wc students are less likley to go to university due to debt this is seen to be…


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