Education names and stats

  • Created by: cmegs
  • Created on: 11-05-19 09:08
Who argues that working class subcultures have 4 main features and what are these?
Sugarman (1970) Fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification, present-time orientation
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Who did Ingram study?
Two groups of Catholic boys, one group passed the 11+ exam and the others didn't
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Who argues that cultural deprivation is a myth?
Keddie- disagrees as it can be seen as a victim blaming situation that sees the home background as the only factor affecting achievement
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Who states that working class parents put less focus on their child's education?
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Who suggested that parent's education is the most important factor in educational achievement?
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What did Hubbs-Tait et al find?
When parents use language to challenge their children into evaluating their own understanding cognitive performance improves
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Who claims that schools have a problem with working class language and why?
Troyna and Williams because teachers have a speech hierarchy that devalues working class language
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Who claims that language used in lower class homes is deficient?
Berieter and Englemann- they describe lower class fmilies as communicating in gestures, single words and disjointed phrases
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What did the nationwide study find about differences between children of different home backrounds?
By the age of 3, children from disadvantaged back grounds were already up to a year behind those from a priveleged one
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Who argues that children from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy?
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What did the National Union of Students survey in 2010 find about who gets financial aid in education?
Middle class and upper class 81% got help compared to 43% from working class backgrounds
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Who found that working class students are more debt adverse?
Callender and Jackson and they saw this as very important in making decisions about university
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Who argues that material inequalities have the greatest effect on achievement?
Mortimore and Whitty
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What study did Hempel and Jorgensen conduct?
A comaprison between 2 english primary schools one was WC and one was MC and it focused on how teachers defined the ideal pupil
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What did Rist's study of teacher labelling find?
Teachers used information about students home backrounds to make seating plans and treated them differently
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Who conducted the key study for the self fulling prophecy?
Rosenthal and Jackson
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Who carried out an importnat interactionist stufy on labelling?
Becker- foudn that teachers judged pupils based on how closely they fit the 'ideal pupil'
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When was the Education Reform Act? What did it lead to?
1988, it led to a trend towards more streaming and different types of schools
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Who theorised the idea of educational triage, what are the three categories?
Gillborn and Youdell- those who would pass anyway, those who could pass with help and those who were 'lost causes'
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Why do working class parents attend fewer parent evenings?
not because of lack of interest but because they are more likely to work long irregular hours or shift work
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Who argues that stereotypical ideas of ability are used to stream students?
Gillborn and Youdell
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Give an example of how an external factor in class differences can link to an internal one?
Poverty can lead to stigmatisation
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What did Evans find about girls applying to uni?
Working class girls were less likely to apply to elite universities as they felt a sense of hidden barriers
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What percentage of British children are in private education?
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When did tuition fees increase?
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Who abolished the Education Maintenance Allowance?
Coalition government in 2011
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How many children on free school meals achieve 5 or more GCSEs?
27 of 28
Nearly 90% of 'failing schools' are in?
Deprived areas
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Card 2


Who did Ingram study?


Two groups of Catholic boys, one group passed the 11+ exam and the others didn't

Card 3


Who argues that cultural deprivation is a myth?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who states that working class parents put less focus on their child's education?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who suggested that parent's education is the most important factor in educational achievement?


Preview of the front of card 5
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