education key terms

formal education
learning organised subjects in an institution
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informal education
observing what is going on around us
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agent of social control
individual or group that is responsible for ensuring members of society conform to norms
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social mobility
movement of individuals up or down a social scale
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social cohesion
the integration of a society into a unified whole
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a system where you are rewarded for how much effort you put in rather than how things such as class, gender or ethnicity
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the idea that schools should be abolished because the compulsory nature hinders the educational progress
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national curriculum
subjects that must be studied by all children in state schools
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the government agency that monitors the quality of schools in the UK
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league tables
list comparing schools for exam performance
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formal curriculum
what students learn in lessons
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hidden curriculum
school regulations, routines etc that shape a child's behaviour
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setting and streaming
dividing pupils into sets based on ability
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anti-school subcultures
formed when pupils feel they are not valued or do not agree with the school's values
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mixed ability
pupils of all abilities taught together
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cultural capital
desired skills and language that middle class families pass on to children
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crisis of masculinity
the idea that what a man is meant to be has been undermined by social and economic change
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ethnocentric curriculum
the things that children are taught in lessons / assemblies etc are based on the main culture that resides in the school
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marketisation of education
changes to the system in the 80s that made school more business-like
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education action zones
built around schools that need to have their standards raised in the most challenging areas of the uk
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educational maintenance allowance
money payed to students who stay in education after 16 depending in income
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contested concept
debate over what a term means
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secondary modern
school where children are taught more practical subjects
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digital divide
difference in access to knowledge between those who have internet vs those who don't
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laddish culture
showing off to impress peer groups
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young people not in education, employment or training
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Card 2


observing what is going on around us


informal education

Card 3


individual or group that is responsible for ensuring members of society conform to norms


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Card 4


movement of individuals up or down a social scale


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Card 5


the integration of a society into a unified whole


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