  • Created by: jordanb-h
  • Created on: 03-04-18 14:31
When you create accounts online you may be given what?
a challenge response test called a captcha where you have to enter the letters and numbers shown
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What is a captcha check for?
to check that the form is not being completed automatically by a software program known as a bot
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What are captchas used for?
to protect systems vulnerable to email spam
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State a feature of a strong password
use something that will not be easily guessed, that is, do not use a name or date of birth. use a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols
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State one way of keeping your password secure
do not write it down
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State one way of keeping your password secure
change it regularly
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State one way of keeping your password secure
do not tell anyone your password
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State one way of keeping your password secure
do not allow anyone to watch you type it in
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State one way of keeping your password secure
avoid allowing browsers to remember your password on shared/ public PCs
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State one way of keeping your password secure
use different passwords for different sites
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State one way of keeping your password secure
encrypt passwords
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State a type of personal space online
personal websites
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State a type of personal space online
online photo albums
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State a type of personal space online
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State a type of personal space online
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State a type of personal space online
social networking sites
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State a type of personal space online
personal page on VLE/ work social media platforms
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You can design your own website and blog so it is what?
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State one way to personalise your social network page or personal VLE page
add photos
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State one way to personalise your social network page or personal VLE page
add personal information
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State one way to personalise your social network page or personal VLE page
and text and weblinks
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State one way to personalise your social network page or personal VLE page
add likes and dislikes
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State one way to personalise your social network page or personal VLE pae
add news feeds
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State one way you can control who has access to your personal space
make online albums private. you usually do this by entering the email addresses of the people you want to be able to access the online album
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State one way you can control who has access to your personal space
don't befriend everyone who sends a friend request on social networking sites
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State one way you can control who has access to your personal space
check and use your privacy settings on all social networking sites
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State one way you can control who has access to your personal space
think before you share anything online
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How do you find out what others have said about you online?
type in your first and last name into several popular search engines. search blogs and social networking sites to review what others have posted about you in comments, photos or videos
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State one way to protect yourself online
don't post anything online that you would not want made public
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State one way to protect yourself online
minimise details that identify you or your whereabouts
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State one way to protect yourself online
keep your account numbers, usernames and passwords a secret
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State one way to protect yourself online
only share your screen names with people you know
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State one way to protect yourself online
don't use apps that use the GPS function on your phone to share your location with people you don't know
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What personal information do you have to submit to open a online account?
title, name, d.o.b, address and email
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Reputable companies will what?
keep your data secure and won't share it with other companies. They will ask you to "opt in" to marketing emails rather than to "opt out"
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What financial information do you have to submit to pay online?
card type, name on card, card number, expiry date and CCV
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What should you check for on a website before you submit personal information?
a https at the beginning of the address and a padlock
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What is overt data collection?
you know that this information is being collected
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State what a cookie is and what it does
Cookies are small text files sent to your computer by most websites when you visit them. They are stored on your computer and are used to track what you do on that website
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What do companies use cookies for?
Companies use cookies to monitor what you look at and buy so they can suggest things you might like. Some sites allow third party cookies from marketing companies. They sell the information they find out about you
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What can hackers install to spy on your computer?
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What do trojans record?
all of your keystrokes or take pictures of the screen
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What can hackers find out from trojans?
your personal information and financial information as you enter it and they could use it to commit fraud
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What is covert data collection?
you don't know that this information is being collected
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If fraudsters find out people's personal details they can use them to what?
make money by pretending to be that person. They can open bank accounts and apply for loans, credit cards, passports and driving licenses all in someone else's name
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How do organisations make money from personal information?
they sell it
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What do cookies do?
track your browsing activity and are a major privacy concern
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State one way recent versions of browsers allow users to control cookies by
setting their browsers to accept or reject all or some of cookies
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State one way recent versions of browsers allow users to control cookies by
setting their browser to prompt them each time a cookie is offered
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All browsers have an option to what?
delete all of the cookies on your computer
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Any website that collects information from its customers should have what?
a privacy policy describing the website's use of cookies and other trackers
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Why are phishing emails sent out?
to get information out of people. Their tone is often urgent because they want you to hand over information without thinking
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What is the golden rule about phishing?
is that banks say they will never contact you by email asking for secure details
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State one thing to look out for to avoid phishing
impersonal greeting
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State one thing to look out for to avoid phishing
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State one thing to look out for to avoid phishing
url that appears to be from the bank but doesn't take you to the bank website when clicked
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State one way to prevent spyware
use a firewall to prevent spyware being remotely downloaded to your computer
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State one way to prevent spyware
install antispyware protection spyware
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State one way to prevent spyware
be wary of downloading popular "free" music and movie file sharing programs
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State one way to prevent spyware
only download programs from websites you trust
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State one way to prevent spyware
read all security warnings, license agreements and privacy statements
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State one way to prevent spyware
never click "agree" or "ok" to close the window of a website you are not sure about. use the red cross
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What is the data protection act and the computer misuse act designed for?
to protect our privacy
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Why was the data protection act 1998 put in place?
to protect us
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State what companies holding our data are required to do by law
keep it secure
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State what companies holding our data are required to do by law
not to ask for more data than necessary
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State what companies holding our data are required to do by law
not to keep data any longer than necessary
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State what companies holding our data are required to do by law
to keep data accurate and up to date
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State what companies holding our data are required to do by law
not to use data for any other purpose without consent
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State one of your data protection rights
You have the right to look at and check any personal data an organisation holds about you. The organisation can charge you to access this data
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State one of your data protection rights
You can demand that incorrect information is amended
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State one of your data protection rights
You can demand that the data is not used in any way that could harm or distress you
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State one of your data protection rights
You can demand that your data is not used for direct marketing
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With the widespread use of the Internet it is what?
now easier to remotely log into a network or someone's computer to steal or corrupt data
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State one of the levels of crime the computer misuse act lists
Unauthorised access to computer material: this includes logging into another person's computer with their password without their permission. also includes stealing their documents and programs
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State one of the levels of crime the computer misuse act lists
Unauthorised modification of computer material: this includes destroying or corrupting another user's files, modifying system files or the creation of a virus
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State one of the levels of crime the computer misuse act lists
Unauthorised access to a computer with intent: this includes gaining access to financial or administrative records and using the information to commit a further crime
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The copyright, designs and patents acts protects what?
peoples original work from being used without their permission
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All original work is what?
copyright, including everything that is freely available to download from the Internet. The person who creates a work owns the copyright and is the only person who has the right to reproduce, adapt or sell it
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Copyright owners can use what to allow certain uses of their work?
creative commons licenses
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State a reason why to bother with copyright
people spend a lot of time and money writing and recording these materials. they deserve to be paid for them
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State a reason why to bother with copyright
if professional artists cannot make any money from their work, then they will not be able to afford to create any more
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State a consequence of illegal file sharing
you can be prosecuted
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State a consequence of illegal file sharing
your internet service provider may prevent you from using the internet
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State a consequence of illegal file sharing
if found guilty you could be sent to prison
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State a consequence of illegal file sharing
it has a huge impact on the music and film industries
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
sound recordings
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
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State an example of original work
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a captcha check for?


to check that the form is not being completed automatically by a software program known as a bot

Card 3


What are captchas used for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


State a feature of a strong password


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


State one way of keeping your password secure


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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