Other questions in this quiz

2. By how much did urban living increase in this time?

  • 36% to 47%
  • 40% to 60%
  • 50% to 60%

3. Which of these people were not involved with the Bund Deutsher Frauenvereine?

  • Rosa Luxemburg
  • Clara Zeltkin
  • August Bebel

4. How were working conditions in Germany different to those in Britain?

  • German workers worked an average of 2 hours a day more for 1/3 less wages
  • German workers tended to be in more manual jobs than the British
  • German workers had better conditions due to stronger Trade Unions

5. What was the difference in exports between Germany and Britain and France?

  • Germany was exporting 11m and Britain and France combined 8m
  • Britain and France were exporting 15m and Germany 14m
  • They were all exporting similar amounts


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