Ecology- conservation

Why do we set resources for conserving species?
Resources are limited, many species to save, many issues to solve, different requirements
1 of 5
What factors do we take into account when prioritising which species to save?
Their ecosystem impact- if lower in food chain would make ecosystem collapse, higher up on food chain is there another predator to take that place- keystone species?

Viability- how many left, small left= small gene pool
Economic- how expensive?
Rate of d
2 of 5
What are the IUCN red list categories of vulnerability?
Least concern (LC)
Near threatened (NT)
Vulnerable (VU)
Endangered (EN)
Critically endangered (CR)
Regionally extinct (RE)
3 of 5
What are flagship species?
Ambassador/icon/symbol which represents a habitat/issue/campaign/environmental cause e.g. Giant Panda WWF
4 of 5
How do we prioritise species within a habitat?
National threat, international importance, international threat
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What factors do we take into account when prioritising which species to save?


Their ecosystem impact- if lower in food chain would make ecosystem collapse, higher up on food chain is there another predator to take that place- keystone species?

Viability- how many left, small left= small gene pool
Economic- how expensive?
Rate of d

Card 3


What are the IUCN red list categories of vulnerability?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are flagship species?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do we prioritise species within a habitat?


Preview of the front of card 5


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