Early Modern English (1500-1700) Tense/Punctuation/Lexical Features

  • Created by: lwilson23
  • Created on: 06-12-18 09:58
1 of 15
Label the feature: 'walketh'
Use of '-eth' suffix in third person singular present tense verbs
2 of 15
Label the feature: 'knowest/gav'st'
Use of '-est/-st' suffixes in second person singular present tense verbs
3 of 15
Label the feature: 'I do walk'
Absence of the progressive form/non-finite verbs ('I am walking')
4 of 15
5 of 15
Label the feature: foreign borrowings/latin words
Inkhorn words, an indicator of social prestige and intelligence
6 of 15
7 of 15
Label the feature: 'I walked to the window: It was cold outside:'
Use of colon with following capital instead of a full stop
8 of 15
Label the feature: 'I walked to the window, the day was cold, I was incredibly cold, I could not believe my eyes,'
Use of commas instead of full stops (comma splicing)
9 of 15
Label the feature: 'Halt right there he sayeth'
Omission of speech marks
10 of 15
Label the feature: 'Thou is mad I said. So are you he sayeth'
Absence of new line to mark a new speaker
11 of 15
Label the feature: 'I his Son edward'
Random capitalisation (may also be labelled as grammar and even semantics)
12 of 15
Label the feature: 'The mans anger'
Absence of possessive apostrophes
13 of 15
Label the feature: 'giv'n'
Absence/presence of apostrophes to mark elision
14 of 15
Label the feature: '&'
Use of symbols such as the ampersand
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Use of '-eth' suffix in third person singular present tense verbs


Label the feature: 'walketh'

Card 3


Use of '-est/-st' suffixes in second person singular present tense verbs


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Absence of the progressive form/non-finite verbs ('I am walking')


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the back of card 5
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