Driving Tell Me.. Rememeber to Expand..

  • Created by: Lauren
  • Created on: 30-04-13 18:27

1. Open the bonnet and identify where the brake fluid reservoir is and tell me how you would check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid

  • open the bonnet and show the level against high/low markings. do not change yourself take it to a car dealer
  • Manufactures guide
  • identify dipstick
1 of 8

Other questions in this quiz

2. Identify where the windscreen washer reservior is and tell me how you would check the windscreen washer level

  • Identify dipstick/oil level indicator, describe check of oil against the mim/max marker. use manual
  • open bonnet and point to washer reservioir and exlain it looks like its getting empty, remove cap, wipe if needed, engine off. check weekely
  • Open the bonnet and show the level of the header tank and desribe how to top up to correct level when cold

3. Open the bonnet and identify were you would check the engine coolant level and tell me how you would check that the engine has the correct level

  • Open bonnet and show the level of the header tank and describe how to top it up to correct level when cold. may be slightly high is engine is still warm
  • No Cuts or Bulges. 1.6mm of tread depth accross the central 3/4 of the breadth of the tyre and around the outer circumference
  • Identify dipstick/oil level indicator, describe check of oil against the mim/max marker. use manual

4. tell me how you would check the brakes are working before starting a journey

  • user manual
  • brakes should not feel spongey or slack. brakes should be tested as you set off and not pull to one side. test as you set off on a journey and after going through water and break lights are working
  • operate brake pedal and check reflections

5. How would you check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road?

  • No Cuts or Bulges. 1.6mm of tread depth accross the central 3/4 of the breadth of the tyre and around the outer circumference
  • Brakes should not feel sponget or slack. Brakes should be tested at you set off. Vehicle should not pull to one side.
  • Open Bonnet and show the level against high and low markings


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