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6. tell me how you would check the brakes are working before starting a journey

  • brakes should not feel spongey or slack. brakes should be tested as you set off and not pull to one side. test as you set off on a journey and after going through water and break lights are working
  • operate brake pedal and check reflections
  • user manual

7. tell me where you would find the information for the recommened tyre pressures for this car and how tyre pressure should be checked

  • manufactures guide, reliable pressure gauage, check and adjust pressures when tyres are cold. dont forget the spare and to refit valve. check before and after long journey
  • user manual

8. How would you check the brake lights are working on this car

  • Manufacturers Guide
  • operate brake pedal, make us of relfections in windows or ask someone to help
  • Brakes should not feel sponget or slack. Brakes should be tested at you set off. Vehicle should not pull to one side.