Drama subject terminology

  • Created by: sreid40
  • Created on: 07-05-18 21:11
Keywords: Space, Materials, Levels, Colours, Entrances and exits, Symbolism, Location, Time
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The role of the set designer
Creative intentions, works with the designer, chooses levels, space, entrances and exits, understands the theme of the play.
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Style and genre of set design
naturalistic/realistic, abstract, physical theatre, minimalist
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The colour red can mean...
danger, blood, passion, love, fear
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The colour grey can mean...
oppression, boredom, routine and dirt
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The colour green can mean...
nature, growth, innocence, progress and jealousy
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The colour yellow can mean...
light, joy, youth
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What does set consist of?
What you can see on the stage, walls, floor, furniture. You should refer to style when designing a set.
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What are props?
Moveable objects that enhance a performance. They must be practical and communicate key information. An example of a prop may be a bag, plates on a table, glasses to drink from.
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What is stage furniture?
Parts of the set design that may be moveable but not definable as a prop. They may indicate the location, time period or style such as logs, boxes and lamposts.
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What are levels with regard to set design?
They convey power, status, perspective and variation. Sets may be constructed so that there are a variety of levels which can offer opportunities to explore power on stage.
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Types of staging
Theatre in the round, thrust, traverse, promenade, end on, proscenium arch
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Sound key words
Volume, mood and atmosphere, tone, symbolism, location, special effects, time
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Types of music you can use in a performance
live music (could be a band or someone creating music during the performance), live sound, recorded sound (ensures a consistent performance from performance to performance, relies on technology)
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Music genre
Pop, classical, string quartet, acapella for example.
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Sound technical language
CD player, MPS player, Speakers, Laptop, Amplifiers, Mixing desk
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Vocal skills technical language
tone, intonation, pause, pitch, accent, clarity, pace, emphasis, volume, projection, pronunciation
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Physicality technical language
Facial expression, body language, gesture, proxemics, movement, stance, stillness,
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Lighting technical language
High front light, back light, up light, side light, gels, barn doors, gobos, fade, blackout, state, cure, snap, cross fade
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Costume key words:
symbolism, status, authenticity, ease of care, practicality and safety, materials, colour, masks, accesories, make up, hair,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The role of the set designer


Creative intentions, works with the designer, chooses levels, space, entrances and exits, understands the theme of the play.

Card 3


Style and genre of set design


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The colour red can mean...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The colour grey can mean...


Preview of the front of card 5
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