DNA and DNA replication

  • Created by: kikaritae
  • Created on: 15-04-18 00:56
a nucleotide composed of a nitrogenous base (adenine), a pentose sugar and two phosphate groups. Formed by the hydrolysis of ATP, releasing a phosphate ion and energy.
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a nucleotide composed of a nitrogenous base (adenine), a pentose sugar and three phosphate groups. The universal energy currency for cells.
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different versions of the same gene.
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monomer used to build polypeptides and thus proteins.
amino acid
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the strand of DNA that runs 3’ to 5’ and is complementary to the sense strand. It acts as a template strand during transcription.
antisense strand
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structures of condensed and coiled DNA in the form of chromatin. Chromosomes become visible under the light microscope when cells are preparing to divide.
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a three-base sequence of DNA or RNA that codes for an amino acid.
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specific hydrogen bonding between nucleic acid bases. Adenine (A) binds to thymine (T) or uracil (U) and cytosine (C) binds to guanine (G).
complementary base pairing
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the molecule responsible for the storage of genetic information.
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enzyme that catalyses the unwinding and separating of strands in DNA replication.
dna helicase
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enzyme that catalyses the formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent nucleotides in DNA replication.
dna polymerase
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the semi-conservative process of the production of identical copies of DNA molecules.
dna replication
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a section of DNA that contains the complete sequence of bases (codons) to code for a protein.
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the sequences of bases in DNA are the ‘instructions’ for the sequences of amino acids in the production of proteins.
genetic code
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short strand of RNA produced by transcription from the DNA template strand. It has a base sequence complementary to the DNA from which it is transcribed, except it has uracil (U) in place of thymine (T).
messenger RNA
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DNA present within the matrix of mitochondria.
mitochondrial DNA
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a change in the genetic material
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large polymers formed from nucleotides. Contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen , phosphorus, and oxygen.
nucleic acids
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the monomers used to form nucleic acids. Made up of a pentose monosaccharide, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base.
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double-ringed, nitrogenous bases that form part of a nucleotide.
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double-ringed, nitrogenous bases that form part of a nucleotide.
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molecules involved in the copying and transfer of genetic information from DNA. Polynucleotides consisting of a ribose sugar and one of four bases; uracil (U), cytosine (C), adenine (A), and guanine (G).
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form of RNA that makes up the ribosome.
ribosomal RNA
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enzyme that catalyses the formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent RNA nucleotides.
RNA polymerase
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DNA replication results in one old strand and one new strand present in each daughter DNA molecule.
semi-conservative replication
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the strand of DNA that runs 5’ to 3’ and contains the genetic code for a protein.
sense strand
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the antisense strand of DNA that acts as template during transcription so that the complementary RNA strand formed carries the same code for a protein as the DNA sense strand.
template strand
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the process of copying sections of DNA base sequence to produce smaller molecules of mRNA, which can be transported out of the nucleus via the nuclear pores to the site of protein synthesis.
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form of RNA that carries an amino acid specific to its anticodon to the correct position along mRNA during translation.
transfer rna
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the process by which the complementary code carried by mRNA is decoded by tRNA into a sequence of amino acids. This occurs at a ribosome.
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the genetic code is a sequence of three nucleic acid bases, called a codon. Each codon codes for one amino acid.
triplet code
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Card 2


a nucleotide composed of a nitrogenous base (adenine), a pentose sugar and three phosphate groups. The universal energy currency for cells.



Card 3


different versions of the same gene.


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Card 4


monomer used to build polypeptides and thus proteins.


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Card 5


the strand of DNA that runs 3’ to 5’ and is complementary to the sense strand. It acts as a template strand during transcription.


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