Divisions of the Nervous System

Small cells in the nervous system that fulfil various functions (e.g absorbing chemicals released by neurons; removing waste material from dead neurons).
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Central Nervous System
The brain and spinal cord.
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Peripheral Nervous System
It consist of all the nerve cells in body not located within the central nervous system; it consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
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Reticular Formation
A part of the brain concerned with arousal, the regulation of sleep, and the control of breathing.
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Substantia Nigra
A structure in the midbrain; damage to this structure can play a role in the onset of Parkinsons disease.
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Limbic System
This part of the forebrain consists of various structures (e.g hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala) involved in emotion and motivation.
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Part of the forebrain and involved in several functions such as wakefulness and sleep.
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Somatic Nervous System
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the voluntary movements of skeletal muscles and hence the limbs.
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Autonomic Nervous System
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary movements of non-skeletal muscles; it is divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.
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Sympathetic Nervous System
The part of the autonomic nervous system that produces arousal and energy (e.g an increased heart rate).
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Parasympathetic Nervous System
The part of the autonomic nervous system that is involved in reducing arousal and conserving energy (e.g reducing heart rate).
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Card 2


The brain and spinal cord.


Central Nervous System

Card 3


It consist of all the nerve cells in body not located within the central nervous system; it consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.


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Card 4


A part of the brain concerned with arousal, the regulation of sleep, and the control of breathing.


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Card 5


A structure in the midbrain; damage to this structure can play a role in the onset of Parkinsons disease.


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