

1. What is the definition of an affective disorder?

  • Loss of contact with reality - delusions and hallucinations leading to confusion and disorientation. Leads to withdrawal from the outside world.
  • To 'affect' your mood -disabling on normal life.
  • Gives a contnuous feeling of fear/anxiety which is disabling and can impose of daily life.
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2. What is the definition of a psychotic disorder?

  • Loss of contact with reality - delusions and hallucinations leading to confusion and disorientation. Leads to withdrawal from the outside world.
  • Gives a contnuous feeling of fear/anxiety which is disabling and can impose of daily life.
  • To 'affect' your mood -disabling on normal life.

3. What is the DSM classification of depression?

  • Insomnia. Fidgeting/lethargy. Feeling of worthlessness/guilt. Less ability to concentrate. Recurrent thought of death.
  • Marked persistent fear hwich is excessive and unreasonable. Exposure to sitmulus provokes immediate response. Person rwecognises fear as excessive. Phobic situation is avoided. Disrupts normal life. > lasts more than 6 months.
  • MUST HAVE social occupation dysfunction. Dleusions Hallucinations. Disrganised speech and behaviour. Negative symptoms. > 2 or more lasting 6 months with no explanation as a cause (e.g. medication)

4. What is the DSM classification of shizophrenia?

  • MUST HAVE social occupation dysfunction. Dleusions Hallucinations. Disrganised speech and behaviour. Negative symptoms. > 2 or more lasting 6 months with no explanation as a cause (e.g. medication)
  • Marked persistent fear hwich is excessive and unreasonable. Exposure to sitmulus provokes immediate response. Person rwecognises fear as excessive. Phobic situation is avoided. Disrupts normal life. > lasts more than 6 months.
  • Insomnia. Fidgeting/lethargy. Feeling of worthlessness/guilt. Less ability to concentrate. Recurrent thought of death.

5. What is the DSM classification of phobias?

  • MUST HAVE social occupation dysfunction. Dleusions Hallucinations. Disrganised speech and behaviour. Negative symptoms. > 2 or more lasting 6 months with no explanation as a cause (e.g. medication)
  • Marked persistent fear hwich is excessive and unreasonable. Exposure to sitmulus provokes immediate response. Person rwecognises fear as excessive. Phobic situation is avoided. Disrupts normal life. > lasts more than 6 months.
  • Insomnia. Fidgeting/lethargy. Feeling of worthlessness/guilt. Less ability to concentrate. Recurrent thought of death.


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