Discuss research on the influence of attachments on later childhood or adult relationships.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 30-04-21 20:43
What was one study into childhood relationships and what did it find?
Kerns found that attachment type is associated with the quality of peer relationships formed in the future. Securely attached infants have the best quality of attachments while insecurely attached infants have difficulties.
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What was one study into childhood relationships and what did it find?
Myron-Wilson & Smith found bullying behaviour can be predicted. They assessed attachment type and bullying using questionnaires on 196 children aged 7-11.they found: Secure children, not involved in bullying. Avoidant, victims of bullying, resistant, bul
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How does having a secure attachment affect adult attachments?
Often you will have longer relationships which tend to be more satisfying.
Find it easy to get close to others.
Do not get worried about being abandoned.
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How does having an insecure avoidant attachment affect adult attachments?
Often uncomfortable with emotional closeness and partners may wish they we less detached, unsatisfying for partner.
Difficulty trusting others/ being trusted.
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How does having an insecure resistant attachment affect adult attachments?
Show clingy behaviours as they want to constantly be with their partners.
Anxious about reciprocation of feelings.
Extreme fear of abandonment,
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What was the method of Hazan and Shaver's study?
Analysed 620 replies to a love quiz put in American newspapers. Split in 3 sections: current relationship, general love life, assessment of current attachment type.
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What were the findings in Hazan and Shaver's study?
56% secure attachments, 25% avoidant, 19% resistant.
Securely attached people reported longer romances,
Avoidant respondents tended to reveal jealousy and fear of intimacy.
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What was some research done into attachment and the relationships into parenthood?
Parents teach their kids how to parent by how their parents taught them. (intergenerational transmission of attachment) Bailey et al found the majority of the 99 mothers he studied had similar attachments to their mothers and own children.
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Why is evidence for the internal working model conflicting?
Hazan and Shaver found evidence supporting continuity however Zimmerman assessed infant attachment type and adolescent attachment and found very little links. This is the opposite of what we would expect to happen due to the importance of the IWM.
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What is one criticism of attachment affecting later relationships?
It is very deterministic, it says that only securely attached infants can have fulfilling relationships. However, continuity decreases as people move through life. insecurely attached people can have securely attached children, (Main et al)
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What is some issues with research into infant attachment affecting later relationships?
The research was correlational- can't establish causation due to intervening variables like personality.
Potential social desirability bias in responses to the questionnaire.
Retrospective data can have bias and be inaccurate.
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What is one support for infant attachments affecting childhood relationships?
Youngblade and Belsky found that 1-5 year old, securely attached children get on better with other children. Supports the internal working model being powerful when we form later attachments. Supports the idea of continuity.
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Card 2


What was one study into childhood relationships and what did it find?


Myron-Wilson & Smith found bullying behaviour can be predicted. They assessed attachment type and bullying using questionnaires on 196 children aged 7-11.they found: Secure children, not involved in bullying. Avoidant, victims of bullying, resistant, bul

Card 3


How does having a secure attachment affect adult attachments?


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Card 4


How does having an insecure avoidant attachment affect adult attachments?


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Card 5


How does having an insecure resistant attachment affect adult attachments?


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