Define the theory of direct realism.
The external world exists independently of the mind and we perceive the external world directly. (What you see is what you get.)
1 of 9
How can direct realism be briefly explained?
As the common sense theory of perception. When asked what you see, you would say "a table".
2 of 9
What are the four problems that direct realism faces?
Argument from illusion, argument from hallucination, argument from perceptual variation and the time lag argument.
3 of 9
How would a direct realist respond to the argument from illusion?
A direct realist would say that the pencil has the property of looking crooked but it isn't actually.
4 of 9
What would a direct realist say about the argument from hallucination?
They do not have an answer for this argument because there is nothing to be perceived externally.
5 of 9
What is Russell's argument for perceptual variation?
If I were to stand on the opposite side of the room to someone else, I would perhaps see a white spot of light that someone else doesn't see. This means that our perception of the table varies.
6 of 9
A direct realist would say...?
That one of us is not perceiving the table as it really is.
7 of 9
Explain the time lag argument.
The sun is 149,600,000km away from earth. Light travels at 299,792,458mps. And light takes around 8 minutes to reach earth. Therefore, we are not looking at the sun as it is presently but as it was 8 minutes ago.
8 of 9
How would a direct realist argue this theory?
They would say that you may not be perceiving the sun directly, but you are perceiving the light from the sun directly. Therefore, this argument is irrelevant to a direct realist.
9 of 9

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Card 2


How can direct realism be briefly explained?


As the common sense theory of perception. When asked what you see, you would say "a table".

Card 3


What are the four problems that direct realism faces?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How would a direct realist respond to the argument from illusion?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What would a direct realist say about the argument from hallucination?


Preview of the front of card 5
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