Diet & Food Production (Food Production) - AS Biology

  • Created by: Gracie
  • Created on: 25-04-13 17:19
Plants use energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to form ?
Complex organic compounds
1 of 12
We depend on plants for two reasons, direct consumption and to feed other animals, true or false ?
2 of 12
What is a fertiliser ?
Chemicals that increase crop yeilds by providing minerals.
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What are three examples of fertilisers ?
Nitrate, phosphate, potassium.
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What is the function of a fertiliser ?
It replaces the minerals used up by a plant in the soil, so the next crop is not limited by the lack of minerals.
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What is a pesticide ?
Chemicals that increase crop yeild by killing pests that feed on the crop, preventing damge or death
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What is a 'broad' pesticide ?
A pesticide which kills a wide range of insects, however resulting in non-pests to be killed
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What is an antibotic ?
A chemical that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria
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Antibotics increase food production, how ?
Energy is used up by animals when fighting an disease. Therefore, energy is saved if the disease is cured, allowing the energy to promote growth
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Antibotics influence bacteria, what does this do ?
It influences the bacteria in the gut, allowing animals to digest food more efficiently.
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Antibotics can promote growth rate and animals size once fully mature, true or false ?
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What is selective breeding (plants) ?
Breeding plants with a desired characteristic over many generations. Making sure to continue to breed the offspring which show this gene.
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Card 2


We depend on plants for two reasons, direct consumption and to feed other animals, true or false ?



Card 3


What is a fertiliser ?


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Card 4


What are three examples of fertilisers ?


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Card 5


What is the function of a fertiliser ?


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