Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia

Symptoms for different disorders overlap, meaning that schizophrenia is either over or under diagnosed according to the diagnostic system.
Low criterion validity
1 of 8
Unusual sensory experiences that can relate to events in the environment, but can also can not relate. These experiences include: hearing voices (often criticising).
2 of 8
Changes in patterns of speech, typically a reduction in the amount and quality of speech, possibly a delay in verbal responses in conversations and also more emphasis is places on speech disorganisation where speech becomes incoherent and changes topic mi
Speech poverty
3 of 8
Loss of usual ability and experiences
Negative symptoms
4 of 8
Irrational beliefs that make an individual feel that they are under external control and can make people behave in ways that make sense to them but seem very bizarre to others.
5 of 8
Due to different diagnosing clinicians reaching the same diagnosis for the patient and reach this same conclusion on two occasions.
Good reliability
6 of 8
Finding it difficult to begin or keep up with goal-directed activity, due to reduced motivation. Three signs of this include: poor hygiene and grooming, lack of persistence in work and education, and lack of energy.
7 of 8
Additional experiences beyond the ordinary experience.
positive symptoms
8 of 8

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Card 2


Unusual sensory experiences that can relate to events in the environment, but can also can not relate. These experiences include: hearing voices (often criticising).



Card 3


Changes in patterns of speech, typically a reduction in the amount and quality of speech, possibly a delay in verbal responses in conversations and also more emphasis is places on speech disorganisation where speech becomes incoherent and changes topic mi


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Card 4


Loss of usual ability and experiences


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Card 5


Irrational beliefs that make an individual feel that they are under external control and can make people behave in ways that make sense to them but seem very bizarre to others.


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