Other questions in this quiz

2. A limitation of "deviation from social norms" is that it is hard to identitfy because it is related to context and degree?

  • True
  • False

3. "Standards of acceptable behaviour are set by a social group" is a definition od what abnormality?

  • Deviation from mental health
  • Deviation from social norms
  • Failure to function adequately

4. "Who Judges? Patient may feel quite content even when their behaviour is clearly dysfunctional" is a limitation of what type of abnormality?

  • Failure to function adequately
  • Deviation from mental health
  • Deviation from social norms

5. (Fill in the blank) Jahoda conducted a review about mental health. and identiofied _____ categories...

  • 6
  • 2
  • 10
  • 4
  • 8


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