Define Peripheral Nervous System

Organisms and Populations: Structure and Function of Plants and Animals

  • Created by: Lolwa
  • Created on: 06-09-12 04:00
Define: Peripheral Nervous System
The section of the nervous system that includes the sensory and motor neurons that connect to to the central nervous system.
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Define: anther
The male reproductive structure of a plant. The anther is at the end of the filament and contains the pollen sacs, where pollen grains, the male gametophytes, are produced.
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Define: phloem
The part of the vascular system in plants that is made up of living cells arranged into long tubes. Tubes transports sugars and other organic substances throughout the plant from the leaves - produced via photosynthesis in leaves.
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Define: pistil
The female reproductive organ of the flower; made up of the stigma, the style, and the ovary. The pistil is sometimes called the carpal.
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Define: pituitary gland
Master gland of endocrine system, and at the base of the hypothalamus. Gland consists of two sections: one which stores and releases two hormones produced by the hypothalamus, and one which produces and secretes a variety of hormones.
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Card 2


The male reproductive structure of a plant. The anther is at the end of the filament and contains the pollen sacs, where pollen grains, the male gametophytes, are produced.


Define: anther

Card 3


The part of the vascular system in plants that is made up of living cells arranged into long tubes. Tubes transports sugars and other organic substances throughout the plant from the leaves - produced via photosynthesis in leaves.


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Card 4


The female reproductive organ of the flower; made up of the stigma, the style, and the ovary. The pistil is sometimes called the carpal.


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Card 5


Master gland of endocrine system, and at the base of the hypothalamus. Gland consists of two sections: one which stores and releases two hormones produced by the hypothalamus, and one which produces and secretes a variety of hormones.


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