Decay Flashcards AQA Biology Unit 1

Set of flashcards for revising B1.6

What 3 conditions do microrganicisms need to decay material?
Warm, moist and aereated
1 of 6
Explain how elements inside an organism return to the environment
When the organism dies, its body decays, and so the elements return to the environment
2 of 6
What are detritivores and what process do they carry out?
Organisms that eat dead material (e.g. Maggots, Earthworms) and digest it, and when they excrete waste they give a bigger surface area for decomposers to work on
3 of 6
What are decomposers?
Bacteria and fungi that break up waste at a cellular level, and then return the nutrients to the environment
4 of 6
When Alex mows his lawn, he sweeps up the cuttings. Is this a stable community?
5 of 6
What could he do to make this a stable community?
He could leave the cuttings on the lawn to decay
6 of 6

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Card 2


Explain how elements inside an organism return to the environment


When the organism dies, its body decays, and so the elements return to the environment

Card 3


What are detritivores and what process do they carry out?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are decomposers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When Alex mows his lawn, he sweeps up the cuttings. Is this a stable community?


Preview of the front of card 5
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