Daycare Study - Sylva et al. (A2 Edexcel Psychology)

  • Created by: Suzanne
  • Created on: 15-01-13 16:14
What type of study was it?
1 of 8
Where did it take place in?
2 of 8
How many children were involved?
Over 3000
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What was the age range?
3 to 7 years old
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At what time intervals was the developmental profile added to?
Each year
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What information was used in these profiles?
SATS results and reports from pre-school staff, parents and school teachers
6 of 8
What other things were measured?
Parental occupation and qualifications, social background and birth weight
7 of 8
What did they find?
Children benefitted from pre-school care socially and intellectually, particularly if they started at age 3. High quality provision led to better social and intellectual development. Positive effects were evident at the end of KS1.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Where did it take place in?



Card 3


How many children were involved?


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Card 4


What was the age range?


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Card 5


At what time intervals was the developmental profile added to?


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