Culture, socialisation and identity key terms

  • Created by: holly6901
  • Created on: 13-10-20 13:12
The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society which are transmitted through generations
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Agreed and accepted ways of behaving that change across time and place
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The shared beliefs of society which lie behind the norms of society
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The idea that members of the same culture or society share the same norms and values
Value consensus
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a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture
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a subculture shared by the elite in a society, characterised by expensive restaurants high culture such as classical music and expensive sports such as polo which exclude the majority of society.
High culture
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The dominant subculture shared by the majority of a society's population. The elements of it have mass accessibility and appeal, for example TV shows such as X factor, easy to access sports and popular music.
Popular culture
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When a number of different cultures live together in the same society and are equally respected and valued.
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Ideas, customs, and social behaviour which is shared beyond national borders and has come about as a product of globalisation, for example celebrating new year, eating MacDonalds etc
Global culture
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A culture brought about through capitalism, where we place value on buying products and express our identity using these products.
Consumer culture
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The existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
Cultural diversity
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Refers to a mixing of two or more cultures
Cultural hybridity
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The idea that all cultures have become the same (due to globalisation)
Cultural homogenisation
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The process of learning the norms and values of society
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The first stage of learning the norms and values of society which takes place in the family
Primary socialisation
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The second stage of learning the norms and values of society; takes place through peers, education, religion, media and workplace.
Secondary socialisation
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Individuals or groups which have legal authority to enforce the norms and values of society e.g. police, law courts, prisons etc. They can impose formal sanctions e.g. fines, prison sentences etc.
Formal social control
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Individuals or groups which enforce the norms of values of society through informal means such as rewards and sanctions, such as parents, peers, teachers, the media etc.
Informal social control
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Refers to the view that our behaviour is shaped by innate or biological factors such as our sex or genetics.
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Refers to the view that our behaviour is determined by our upbringing and social environment
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A sense of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition, expressed in terms of particular normative behaviour
Ethnic identity
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When a person adopts distinctive traditions, culture, and language associated with legally belonging to a particular nation state.
National identity
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A person’s perception of their particular gender, which is likely to be affected by cultural conventions and norms.
Gender identity
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A sense of belonging to a particular social class, and behaving according to the norms, values and behaviours associated with that group, e.g. upper class people would be expected to take part in high culture.
Social class identity
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How one thinks of oneself in terms of to whom one is romantically or sexually attracted.
Sexual identity
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A sense of belonging to a particular age group or cohort, characterised by displaying normative behaviour associated with that group e.g. young people will wear more casual clothing and speak using slang.
Age identity
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Refers to an individual who has been labelled medically or social have having a physical or mental impairment.
Disability identity
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Refers to identities which are made up of more than one type of identity. For example a person may consider themselves to be a British Pakistani, and this will involve them displaying behaviours and values associated with both identities.
Hybrid identity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Agreed and accepted ways of behaving that change across time and place



Card 3


The shared beliefs of society which lie behind the norms of society


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Card 4


The idea that members of the same culture or society share the same norms and values


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Card 5


a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture


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