
christian teachings for forgiveness?
they believe this does not mean no punishment, it means they should be treated fairly fot their crime, if they ask for forgiveness they should be forgiven after their punished. they should care for the weak and prisoners
1 of 7
why do many christians work with prisoners?
to help them lead better lifes when they leave prison.
2 of 7
what does the term social injustice mean?
unfair treatment of people in society, such as racism, poverty, sexism
3 of 7
christian teachings to social injustice?
it is wrong because all life was created by God and therefore is equally valuable to God and should be respected.
4 of 7
how do some christians respond to social injustice?
by working with organisations such as salvation army
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how do many christians take action against social injustice?
joining organisations designed to fight for social equality
6 of 7
what is the liberation theology?
the movement, principally in south america, which tries to help the poor who are oppressed with social injustice
7 of 7

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Card 2


why do many christians work with prisoners?


to help them lead better lifes when they leave prison.

Card 3


what does the term social injustice mean?


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Card 4


christian teachings to social injustice?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how do some christians respond to social injustice?


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