Theories of punishment

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  • Theories of Punishment
    • Retribution = the idea  that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong
      • It makes criminals pay for their crimes in the proportion to the severity of the crime
      • It punishes the criminal
      • it makes the criminals suffer for what they have done wrong
      • Criminals make their victims suffer, so the criminals should suffer
    • Deterrence = the idea that punishments should be of such nature that they will put people off from committing crimes
      • If someone knows they will have their hand cut off for stealing, they will not steal, so deterrent punishment will stop theft
      • If people know they will be executed if found guilty, they will not murder.
    • Reform = the idea that punishments should try to change criminals so they will not commit crimes again
      • The only way to stop crime is to reform the criminal so they become honest, law-abiding citizens.
      • Most criminals commit crimes because of how they were brought up and do not know how to live.
      • Often involves giving criminals education and qualifications so they can get a job and no longer feel the need to be a criminal.
    • Protection = punishment should protect society from criminals and their activities.
      • Capial punishment is good fro murderes of terrorists as they are dead so they cant threaten people
      • Community Service - good for hooligans as it keeps them off streets in their leisure time.
      • Long prison sentences - good for violent people as it keeps them out of society and people are protected.


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