Core biology-Homeostasis overview

  • Created by: DJSalt
  • Created on: 30-03-17 16:11
What does homeostasis mean?
Maintenance of a stable internal environment
1 of 9
How do we maintain a constant level of ions?
Sodium is an example of an ion and they are important, they are lost through sweat, controlled by the kidneys and replenished by consuming food such as crips which contains salt or sodium.
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How do we control the levels of water?
Water can be lost by sweat and is controlled by the kidneys
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How does water affect the colour of urine?
If we have low water levels urine will eb dark as there is less water to dilute it. If we haven't exercised and drank a lot will produce a light, dilute coloured urine.
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What is the optimum body temperature?
37 degrees celsius
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What happens if the temperature gets too hot?
Enzymes shape will change and they will become denatured, can result in death.
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What happens if the temperature gets too cold?
Enzymes do not react as fast meaning the reaction speed is slow, this means that vital reactions do not take place fast enough. This can result in death.
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How is homeostasis maintained?
By negative feedback
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Explain the processes involved in negative feedback
Stimulus --> Receptor --> Effector --> Response
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Card 2


How do we maintain a constant level of ions?


Sodium is an example of an ion and they are important, they are lost through sweat, controlled by the kidneys and replenished by consuming food such as crips which contains salt or sodium.

Card 3


How do we control the levels of water?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does water affect the colour of urine?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the optimum body temperature?


Preview of the front of card 5
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