Controlling Blood Sugar

What sort of foods cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly?
High in simple sugars (e.g. processed foods)
1 of 10
Why do simple sugars cause high blood pressure?
They are digested and absorbed into your blood really quickly.
2 of 10
What does the body use to keep your blood level sugar steady?
3 of 10
Insulin causes what to happen?
It causes sugar to be removed from the blood
4 of 10
What stoops if you have Type 1 Diabetes?
The pancreas stops producing insulin
5 of 10
Due to no insulin production what does this cause the blood sugar level to do?
The blood sugar level rises to a dangerous level
6 of 10
How is it controlled?
By an injection at mealtimes
7 of 10
When is Type 2 Diabetes more likely to appear?
Later in life
8 of 10
What can increase the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes?
Poor diet or being obese
9 of 10
How is Type 2 Diabetes controlled?
By exercising and eating a carefully controlled diet
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why do simple sugars cause high blood pressure?


They are digested and absorbed into your blood really quickly.

Card 3


What does the body use to keep your blood level sugar steady?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Insulin causes what to happen?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What stoops if you have Type 1 Diabetes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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