Consumer decision making

What are the components of consumer decision making?
Problem recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Product choice, outcomes
1 of 12
With regard to branding effects (e.g. pepsi paradox- McClure et al, 2004), what occurs when someone has PFC damage?
The effect is removed
2 of 12
What is reducing cognitive dissonance?
Questioning of purchase
3 of 12
What impact does emotion have on consumer decision making?
Impacts the length and complexity of decision making process
4 of 12
Why are free trials so effective?
Loss aversion
5 of 12
According to the study on tip giving in a restaurant after being offering sweets (Strohmez et al, 2002), what was the outcome?
Reciprocity effect
6 of 12
What term describes acquiring information from others about a product?
External search
7 of 12
Who found evidence that PFC damage alters the pepsi paradox?
Koenigs & Tranel (2007)
8 of 12
Who found that patients with amygdala damage make better decisions?
Shiv et al (2005)
9 of 12
Who found that shoppers are more likely to buy a popular phone if it is on sale rather than looking at alternative options but if additional products are put on sale, they carry on shopping?
Shafir et al (1993)
10 of 12
Who conducted a study showing that adding too many alternatives can decrease overall buying?
Iyengar & Lepper (2000)
11 of 12
Who found that salary offers were affected by a joking start rate during negotiations?
Thornsteinson (2011)
12 of 12

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Card 2


With regard to branding effects (e.g. pepsi paradox- McClure et al, 2004), what occurs when someone has PFC damage?


The effect is removed

Card 3


What is reducing cognitive dissonance?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What impact does emotion have on consumer decision making?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why are free trials so effective?


Preview of the front of card 5
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