Other questions in this quiz

2. What was the nickname given to northerners who would travel to the South after the civil war in order to seek their fortune?

  • Carpetbaggers
  • Scallywags
  • Abolitionists

3. Which alternate method of farming did the homesteaders use in order to allow dust to trap moisture in the dry soil?

  • Shared Cropping
  • Dry Farming
  • Sodbuster

4. What was the name of the event in 1857, where a group of Mormons were accused of murdering a group of migrants?

  • Harper's Ferry
  • Battle of the Little Big Horn
  • Mountain Meadow Massacre
  • Sand Creek Massacre

5. Which president took over after Lincoln's assassination in April, 1865 and whose job it was to implement political reconstruction after the civil war?

  • Ulysses Grant
  • Andrew Johnson
  • Jefferson Davis


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