Other questions in this quiz

2. which of these is an example of identification?

  • claiming to support a football team because everyone else does, but privately not liking football
  • becoming a fan of films whilst in a film club, but after you left, losing interest
  • becoming a vegetarian for the rest of your life after being in an animal rights group

3. is conformity a majority or minority influence?

  • majority
  • minority
  • both

4. which of these is an example of internalisation?

  • becoming a vegetarian for the rest of your life after being in an animal rights group
  • claiming to support a football team because everyone else does, but privately not liking football
  • becoming a fan of films whilst in a film club, but after you left, losing interest

5. change in behaviour and beliefs forever

  • compliance
  • internalisation
  • identification


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