Conformity - Asch's research

  • Created by: AK
  • Created on: 13-11-17 10:03
Group size
Asch increased the size of the group by adding more confederates, thus increasing the size of the majority. Conformity increased with group size, but only up to a point, levelling off when the majority was greater than three.
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The extent to which all the members of a group agree. In Asch's studies, the majority was unanimous when all the confederates selected the same comparison line. This produced the greatest degree of conformity in the naive participants
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Task difficulty
Asch's line-judging task is more difficult when it becomes harder to work out the correct answer. Confomity increases because naive participants assume that the majority is more likely to be right
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Showed two cards at a time, 1 standard line, other 3 comparison lines. Participant had to say which line matched. 123 male American undergraduates. 1 participant, 6-8 confederates in each trial. Confederates gave wrong answers, then right (12/18)
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Naive participant gave wrong answer 36.8% of the time. 75% conformed at least once. When interviewed afterwards, they said they conformed to avoid rejection (NSI)
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Variations - Group size
With 3 confederates conformity rose to 31.8%. Addition of further confederates made little difference
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Variations - Unanimity
Introduced a confederate who disagreed with the others - sometimes wrong, sometimes right. Conformity was reduced by a quarter
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Variations - Task difficulty
Asch made the task more difficult by making standard line and comparison lines more similar. Conformity increased due to ISI
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Evaluation - A child of its time
Perrin and Spencer repeated the experiment with engineering students. Only 1 out of 396 conformed. Asch's study was in conformist time in America, less conformist today
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Evaluation - Artificial situation and task
Participants knew they were in a study and may have had demand characteristics. Groups didn't represent everyday groups. Therefore findings don't generalise to everyday situations
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Evaluation - Limited application of findings
Only men were tested. Men were from USA, an individualist culture. Similar studies in collectivist cultures had higher conformity
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Individualist cultures
Where people are more concerned about themselves than the social group
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Collectivist cultures
Where the social group is more important than individuals
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Card 2




The extent to which all the members of a group agree. In Asch's studies, the majority was unanimous when all the confederates selected the same comparison line. This produced the greatest degree of conformity in the naive participants

Card 3


Task difficulty


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