What is conformity?
A change in a person's behaviour/opinions as a result of pressure from a group.
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What is the deepest form of conformity?
Internalisation: (deepest form) The majority view is accepted because the individual belives it. A permanent change occurs even in the absence of the group.
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What is the difference between ISI and NSI?
ISI=we agree with the opinion of the majority because we belive it is correct. NSI=we agree with the opinion of the majority because we want to be accepted.
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State a study which investigates conformity.
Asch aimed to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority could affect a person to conform. There were 123 participants. Results shown that 75% conformed at least once.
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State a weakness of Asch's study.
Asch decieved his participants by not telling them it was a conformity test instead they thought it was a visual test. Akso, particicipants were decieved as they belived confedorates were also real participants. Participants were debriefed.
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What factors affect conformity?
Task difficulty-when the task was made harder Asch found conformity increased by 9%. Group size-the larger the ammount of confederates the higher the conformity rate.
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Zimbardo's study to investigate conformity to social roles
Zimbardo(1973) set up a mock prison at Stanford university. It was a volunteer study and participants were psychologically tested before participating. Students were randomly allocated to roles. The experiment was planned to run for 14 days.
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How many participants were in Zimbardo's study?
There were 24 volunteer participants, 12 were allocated to each group and 2 spare participants.
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Ethical issues in Zimbardo's study
Participants were decived-unaware they would be arrested from their own home. Participants were not aware that they would be stripped and blindfolded this is psychological harm as they may feel stressed.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the deepest form of conformity?


Internalisation: (deepest form) The majority view is accepted because the individual belives it. A permanent change occurs even in the absence of the group.

Card 3


What is the difference between ISI and NSI?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


State a study which investigates conformity.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


State a weakness of Asch's study.


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