
what are the 3 types of conformity?
internalisation, identification and compliance
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what is internalisation?
this occurs when a person accepts the group norms, this can be a private and public opinion/behaviour. It's also likely to be a permanent change in opinion as the change persists even with the abscence of the group.
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what is identification?
when people conform to the opinions or behaviour of a group because they value something about that group. we publicly change our opinion to be part of the groupeven if we dont agree privately.
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what is compliance?
this involves going along with others in public but privately not changing your opinion or behaviour as it's only a superficial change. the particular opinion or behaviour will stop if the pressure of the group is stopped,
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what are the 2 explanations for conformity?
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what does NSI stand for and what does it mean?
normative social influence. It's about the norms and typical behaviour for a social group. It's to gain social approval and to be liked as people fear being rejected. It's an emotional process
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what does ISI stand for and what does it mean?
Informative social influence. It's about whether you or the group are right. The behaviour of the group is followed because you want to be right and it's a cognitive process because it's to do with what you think.
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Card 2


what is internalisation?


this occurs when a person accepts the group norms, this can be a private and public opinion/behaviour. It's also likely to be a permanent change in opinion as the change persists even with the abscence of the group.

Card 3


what is identification?


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Card 4


what is compliance?


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Card 5


what are the 2 explanations for conformity?


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