
  • Created by: _marxlee
  • Created on: 11-05-17 19:36
what are the 3 factors that affect levels of conformity?
group size, unanimity, difficulty of task
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group size info
asch manipulated size of majority, 1,2,3,4,8,10,15 confeds
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findings of asch group size
1 confed-3%, 2 confed 13%, 3 confed 33%. didnt increase much beyond this. larger than 15-suspicious
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unanimity info
see if one person dissenting from maj would affect likelihood of the p conforming
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findings of unanimity asch
p had 1 confed ally who gave right answer before p answered- conformity dropped to 5.5. equally effective if they gave wrong answer-support for deviating not answer
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difficulty of task info
conformity increases when task becomes difficult-informational influence. more likely if unsure of right answer
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findings of difficulty of task info
made length of lines more similar, conformity increased. conformity more likely when task is difficult
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conformity of social roles meaning
individuals behaviour changes according to the expectation of behaviour in that particular situation
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aims of zimbardo stanford prison study
test dispositional versus the situational hypothesis. extent to which ps would adopt the role of prisoner or guard, even though the roles were determined randomly
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what was the sample of the study?
21 male student volunteers-psychologically stable
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findings of the study
within a day they had rebelled and ripped of their numbers, guards locked them in their cells and took away their blankets
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Card 2


group size info


asch manipulated size of majority, 1,2,3,4,8,10,15 confeds

Card 3


findings of asch group size


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


unanimity info


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


findings of unanimity asch


Preview of the front of card 5
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