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2. Is based on our desire to be liked. We conform because we want to be accepted and liked (compliance). Asch's experiment is an example of this.

  • Internalisation
  • Normative Social Influence
  • Complaince
  • Informational Social Influence

3. Occurs when individuals confirm their role in society which is expected of them to play E.g. a policeman

  • Normative Social Influence
  • Compliance
  • Identification
  • Internalisation

4. Occurs when individuals adjust their behaviour & opinions to those of a group to be accepted or avoid disapproval. (Public)

  • Identification
  • Conformity
  • Compliance
  • Internalisation

5. Is based on our desire to be right. We look to others for the right answer or the correct behaviours. This involves internalisation. E.g. Jenness & Sherif

  • Normative Social Influence
  • Internalisation
  • Informational Social Influence
  • Compliance


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