
What is machine code?
Binary numbers, how the computer reads code
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What is a string?
A string of characters
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What is an integer?
A whole number
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What is a float?
A number with a decimal point
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What is a boolean?
Can only store true or false
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How are floating point numbers stored?
Mantissa and exponent
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How are characters stored?
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What is the CPU?
The processor which executes programs
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What is the primary storage?
Main memory, holds the programs currently being executed and the data they are processing
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What is the secondary storage?
Backing storage, hard disks or flash drives, stores programs and data
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What is the ALU?
Executes the program's instructions, carries out calculations and makes logic decisions and comparisons.
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What are the registers?
Small areas of very fast memory, stores the instructions currreently being executed,data being transferred to/from memory and the addresses of the memory locations being accessed.
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What is the control unit?
Coordinates the operations of the other components.
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What is the data bus?
Transfers data between the CPU and the memory
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What is the address bus?
Specifies the memory addresses being accessed
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What is the control bus?
Carries control signals, read or write signals
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How is the CPU connected to input/output devices?
Interfaces such as VGA or HDMI
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What is a syntax error?
An error in the structure or grammar of the program
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What is a run-time error?
When something goes wrong during the execution of a seemingly-correct program.
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What is a logic error?
When a syntactically correct program runs successfully but produces an unexpected result,.
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What is normal test data?
The type of data that the program is likely to encounter during a typical run and should be able to deal easily with
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What is extreme test data?
Data at the boundaries of the program's capabilities
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What is exceptional test data?
Incorrect data that should not be processed by the program
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What are the features of compilers?
They translate a complete program into a standalone machine code program that can then be executed
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What are the features of interpreters?
They translate a program line-by-line and execute each line as soon as it is translated
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What are the advantages of a compiler?
All errors can be found immediately, code runs faster, it only has to be translated once
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What are the disadvantages of a compiler?
Errors can't be found until a program is complete, compilation of large programs can take a long time, if anything is changed the whole program needs to be recompiled
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What are the advantages of interpreters?
Errors can be located during program development, programs can be run again as soon as they are changed- no need to translate again
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What are the disadvantages of interpreters?
It may take several runs to find all the errors, execution time is slow, programs cannot be optimised
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What is a flat file database?
A database with only one table
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What is a data duplication error?
When the same item of data is stored more than once
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What is data inconsistency?
When a change is made to one piece of data in the table but not updated in another where it is stored
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What is a relational database?
Multiple linked tables
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What is a primary key?
A unique identifier
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What is a foreign key?
A primary key from another table that is used to link tables together
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What is the difference between an external hyperlink and an internal hyperlink?
An internal hyperlink leads to another page on the same website, an external hyperlink connects you to another website.
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What is linear navigation?
Pages are linked in a sequence one after the other
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What is hierarchical navigation?
Pages are grouped together by topic and are accessed from the main page
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What should be taken into consideration when designing a user interface?
Visual layout, readability, navigation, consistency, interactivety
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What is lossy compression?
When a file is compressed data is lost during the process
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What is lossless compression?
When a file is compressed no data is lost during the process
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What is txt?
A standard, unformatted text document
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What is RTF?
Formatted text document
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What is WAV?
Audio file format, usually lossless
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What is MP3?
Audio file format, lossy
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What is a JPEG?
Graphic format, 24 bit color, lossy compression
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What is a BMP?
Bitmap image, a grid of pixels, uncompressed
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What is a GIF?
Graphic file format, 8 bit colors, lossless, can support transparency and animation
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What is a PNG?
Bitmpa of indexed colors, lossless
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What is an MPEG?
Video files, lossy compression
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What is an AVI?
Video file, uncompressed
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What factors affect file size and quality?
Resolution, color depth, sampling rate, compression
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What needs to be tested with information systems?
Links and vigation, user interface design
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What are the functions of an operating system?
Providing a human computer interface, saving and loading files on backing storage, performing input and output with peripherals, memory management, error reporting
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What is RAM?
Random Acess Memory, stores all instructions and data that are currently in use
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What is ROM?
Read Only Memory, remains in place after the computer is switched off and contains important parts of the computer's operating system
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What is a client server network?
Has two types of computers, the client is a workstation computer which accesses the network resources provided by the server, the server is powerful computer that provides network resources.
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What is a peer-to-peer network?
When computers act as both client and server and can share data and communicate with every other computer on the network
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What is wired transmission media?
Cables are used to transmit data around the network, relatively fast, quite cheap
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What is optical transmission media?
Fibre optic cables, high speed, more expensive than wired
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What is wireless transmission media?
Carries data around a network without the use of wires, less secure and slower
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What is cloud storage?
Server is attached to the internet
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What is spyware?
Can capture information such as web browsing habits, e-mail messages, usernames and passwords, credit card information
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What is phishing?
Criminals send emails asking users for data pretending to be a legitmiate company, the data is then sent to them and they gain acess to usernames and passwords
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What is keylogging?
malware is installed which records every key a user presses allowing criminals to gain access toi usernames and passwords
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What is a denial of service attack?
When hackers flood the network with requests that the network then has to deal with, crashing it
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What is encryption?
When confidential data is encoded so even if it is hacked into, the data is not of any use to the hackers
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What are the functions of security suites?
Antispam, parental controls, password storage, backup, tune up
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What is the computer misuse act?
makes it illegal to hack into a computer system or to use a computer system for an illegal purpose
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What is the data protection act?
Controls the collection, storage and use of personal data stored on manual and electronic systems
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What is the copyright designs and patents act?
Covers the illegal copying of published material
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How can individuals save energy used by computers?
Use built in power saving features, turn off the monitor, disable devices that are not needed, share hardware
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How can computers be disposed of safely?
Hazardous waste must be collected transported and treated
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a string?


A string of characters

Card 3


What is an integer?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a float?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a boolean?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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