
Describe the different parts of the processor
Control unit (controls instructions,supervise data flow of external devices and processor), Arithmetic and Logic Unit (calculations,logic,decisions), Registers (temporary memory, hold data/instructions/address being processed/run/used)
1 of 64
Describe the different parts of the main memory
RAM (Random Access Memory, holds data/programs in use, only temporary) and ROM (Read Only Memory, permanent data)
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Describe the different buses
Data (carries data to/from processor/memory/external) and Address (hold address of location where data will be stored/read form.
3 of 64
Describe how real numbers are represented
Mantissa (number without decimal) and Exponent (what it's to the power of)
4 of 64
Describe how binary and real no are represented
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 - (eg. 37 = 00100101)
5 of 64
Describe how text is represented
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange - 8 bit code using control characters (, return,enter) or printing characters (no characters*8)) and Unicode (16 bit code that is more representative A=65, a=32)
6 of 64
Describe how graphics are stored
Bit-mapped (tiny dots called pixels which are coloured) and Vector (many objects (eg. ellipse, polygon, line, rectangle) made up of different attributes (eg. line colour or fill colour)
7 of 64
What's the difference between bit-mapped graphics and vector graphics?
Bit-mapped (larger file size, edit individual pixels, fine detail, resolution dependant (in enlarged-jagged) where as Vector (smaller file size,edit attributes, not fine detail, resolution independent (enlarged-not jagged))
8 of 64
Describe how instructions are represented
Machine code (easy to make mistakes, hard to understand, binary digits, computer's language) and High Level Language (easier to understand, english words - commands, easier to learn/correct)
9 of 64
Describe the purpose and types of translators
Translate high level language into machine code so computer understands it. Types: Compiler (translate all then run, no re-compiling, errors reported at once) and Interpreter (translate and execute 1 by 1, if error - stopped, translation not saved)
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What's the difference between compiler and interpreter?
Interpreter (slower, easier to find errors, more memory as in memory) and Compiler (no re-compile - faster, hard to find/identify errors, less memory - not in memory)
11 of 64
Describe the purpose and types of security risks
Malware designed to disrupt/damage computer system. Types: Virus (infect & copy), Worms (copy & alone to crash), Trojans (misleads & corrupts), Hacking (unauthorised access), Spyware (gather info & controls) and Key-logger (record keys struck)
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Describe the purpose and types of security precautions
Stop malware from entering or getting access to computer/network. Types: Firewall (control input & output packages of data) and En
13 of 64
SSD - Describe the first four parts of the design process
Analysis (input, process, output), Design (user interface, structure diagram, flow chart, pseudo-code), Implementation (typing it up) and Testing (does it work? compare outputs)
14 of 64
SSD - Describe the last three parts of the design process
Documentation (user/technical guide), Evaluation (meet specification) and Maintenance (fix bugs and extra features)
15 of 64
SSD - What are the four main design notations?
Pseudocode (basic written code), Structure Diagram (program broken up into sub groups like mind-map), Flow Chart (starting and ending design of flow of data) and User interface/wireframe (rough design of program)
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SSD - What are the different parts of tests?
Testing ((types - normal (acceptable), extreme (on boundaries), exceptional (not acceptable))(errors - execution/runtime (doesn't know what to do and doesn't pop up), syntax (spelling), logic (wrong commands/order))
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SSD - What the four parts of evaluation?
Fitness for purpose (meet specification), Efficiency (no unnecessary resources), Robust (won't crash) and Readable (easy to read/understand)
18 of 64
SSD - What are the three standard algorithms?
Input validation (use loop to get specific input), Running Total (adding in loop) and 1D array (list of similar items)
19 of 64
WDD - What are the different parts of analysis?
End user (what the user will be able to expect to do using the website) and Functional (what website must be able to do)
20 of 64
WWD - What are the different looks and structures of design?
Looks (wireframe-rough outline of website and low fidelity prototype-pen and paper version of website) and Structure (linear-chronological and hierarchical-groups and subgroups)
21 of 64
WWD - What's the different elements of the user interface of design?
Consistency (making things match), Readability (easy to read), Navigational links (ways to get around website (eg. hyperlinks, navigation bars, menus, bread crumbs etc.)
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WWD - What different tests can you do to check a website is effective?
Media display? Match user interface? Hyperlinks work?
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WWD - How can you evaluate a website?
Does it meet end-user requirements and functional requirements - is it fit for purpose?Does it have good visual layout? Are the navigational links effective? Is the website consistent?
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WWD - What are the different file formats for graphics, audio and video?
Video (mp4, mov, avo, mpeg), Audio (mp3, wav) and Graphic (bmp, gif, png, jpeg)
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WWD - What are the advantages/disadvantages of graphic types?
Graphic ((jpeg-lossy, 24 bit and it's a standard file format)(gif-transparency, animation, 8 bit and lossless)(png-lossless and 24 bit)
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WWD - What are the advantages/disadvantages of audio types?
Audio (wav-HQ, large file size and lossless/uncompressed)(mp3-LQ, smaller file size and lossy)
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WWD - What are the different things that affect file size?
Resolution (no of pixels in graphic measured in dots per inch (dpi)(high res-lots of small pixels)(low res-small no of larger pixels)), Sampling rate (no times sound is sampled in sec) and Colour Depth (no of bits used to store colour of each pixel)
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WWD - What is the purpose and types of compression?
It reduces the size of files. Types: Lossless (reduces size without information loss) and Lossy (reduces size by removing some information)
29 of 64
WWD - What are the different hyperlink types?
Internal (within same website) or External (links to different website) and Relative (path from current page to destination page) or Absolute (complete URL)
30 of 64
WWD - Describe the Copyright Design and Patents Act (CDPA)
Illegal to? (unauthorised copies, send software and run unauthorised copies) and Must (give consent or get permission)
31 of 64
DDD - What are the different parts of a database?
Table/entity (whole thing), Record (individual row which stores information on single item/person) and the field/attributes (holds one single piece of information)
32 of 64
DDD - What are the different parts of analysis of a database?
End user (what user expects to do) and functional (what is expected by the database)
33 of 64
DDD - What are the different field types?
Text, number, date, time and boolean
34 of 64
DDD - What are the different database validations?
Restricted choice (set options so reduces change of errors), Presence Check (field can't be empty), Range Check (within limits) and Length Check (restricts the number of characters that can be entered)
35 of 64
DDD - What are the different database relationships?
Flatfile (only one table) or relational (if there is more than one table in database and are connected with one-to-many relationship)
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DDD - What are the different key fields?
Primary Key (uniquely identify a record)(Identified by underlining) and Foreign Key (primary key in one table that appears in other table as link)(identified with star)
37 of 64
DDD - What are the two days that we can design a database?
Data Dictionary (names, keys, types, sizes and validation) and Entity Relationship diagram (diagram for relational databases with statement, entity, attributes and keys)
38 of 64
DDD - Describe the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Has to? (declared purpose, limited to purpose, accurate, specified time, secure)
39 of 64
HTML - What does html stand for?
Hyper Text Mark-up Language
40 of 64
HTML - How do you write lists in html?
Unordered (<ul> <li> ... </li> </ul>) and Ordered (<ol> <li> ... </li> </ol>)
41 of 64
HTML - How do you write text and a break in the text?
Text (<p> ... </p>) and Break ( <br> ... </br>)
42 of 64
HTML - What is the biggest heading? What is the smallest heading? How do you right headings and where?
Biggest (h1), Smallest (h6), Writing it (<h1> ... </h1>) and Where (body)
43 of 64
HTML - How do you write a hyperlink? How do you add an image in html?
Hyperlink (<a href>"..." </a>) and Image (<img src "..." alt "..." >
44 of 64
HTML - How do you add audio and video to html?
Audio (<audio controls> <source src="..." type="..."> </audio>) and Video (<video controls> <source src"..." type="..."> </video>)
45 of 64
CSS - What does CSS stand for and what does it do and how can it be used in HTML?
Stand for (Cascading Style Sheet) and it (styles HTML) and it can be either (in-line, external and internal)
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CSS - How do you write in-line, external and internal CSS?
In-line (<h1 style="color:blue;"> Heading </h1>), External (<head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"> </head> and then: body { background-color: lightblue; } and Internal (<style> body { background-color: linen; } </style>)
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CSS - How do you write an id and class selector and what is the difference?
Id (unique - only identify one element)( #name )(<p id="..."> text </p>) and Class (multiple sections)( .name )(<p class="..."> text </p>)
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CSS - What are the CSS priorities?
Id then class then element
49 of 64
JAVA - What does it do?
It adds features and makes web pages more dynamic and interactive.
50 of 64
JAVA - How do you write the mouseover/out functions?
(<h1 onmouseover="..." onmouseout="..."> </h1>)
51 of 64
JAVA - How do you write the changered/black functions?
<script> function changered (x) { = 'red'; } </script>
52 of 64
SFW - What are the two types of loops and how do you write them?
Fixed (specified number)( repeat with loop 1 to number) and Conditional (
53 of 64
SFW - What re the three pre-defined functions?
Random (random(20)), length (len(variable)) and round (round (2, variable))
54 of 64
SFW - How do you write the three standard algorithms?
Input Validation, Running Total and Traversing 1D Array
55 of 64
What are the comparison symbols?
>, >=, <, <=, =, ≠, <>
56 of 64
Name some logical operators
57 of 64
Name some programming constructs
Concatenation, assignment
58 of 64
What is referential integrity?
Where one thing in the database has to be a valid thing from another database
59 of 64
What are some database errors?
Insertion Anomaly (inability to add data to the database due to absence of other data), Deletion Anomaly (accidentally delete data) and Update Anomaly (where not all duplicated data is updated)
60 of 64
SQL - What does it stand for and what does it do?
Structured Query Language commands are used to manipulate a database.
61 of 64
SQL - Why and where do we use equi-join?
Why? ( primary key and foregin key are made equal to each other)( eg. Pers.petID = Owner.petID ) and where? ( in where clause in relational databases)
62 of 64
SQL - How do you write select and update queries?
SELECT ( SELECT records FROM table ) and UPDATE ( UPDATE table SET thing you'll fix WHERE identify record)
63 of 64
SQL - How do you write insert and delete queries?
INSERT ( INSERT INTO table (collumns) VALUES (what you're puting in)) and DELETE ( DELETE FROM table WHERE condition )
64 of 64

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the different parts of the main memory


RAM (Random Access Memory, holds data/programs in use, only temporary) and ROM (Read Only Memory, permanent data)

Card 3


Describe the different buses


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe how real numbers are represented


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe how binary and real no are represented


Preview of the front of card 5
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