Cold War Key Events 1956-1995

  • Created by: jroe99
  • Created on: 10-06-18 09:55
Krushchev's Secret Speech
25th February, 1956. Denounced Stalinism. New era of communism. Led to Polish uprising.
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Situation in Poland
Unhappy Catholic population. After death of Moscow-dominated Bierut, more liebral Rokossowski became defence minister. October 1953, deviationalist Gomulka became communist leader. Accepted by Krushchev after Polish October.
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Situation in Hungary
Rallies spread, police fired on protesters 23rd October 1956. Nagy took power, allowed non-communists into government, threatened to leave Warsaw Pact. USSR invaded with over 1000 tanks. Kadar appointed leader. Nagy executed. 180,000 Hungarians fled.
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Why did the revolts have such a limited effect on the Cold War?
French invasion of Suez Canal 1956. USA disapproved of Britain and France so was divided. Accepted the 'iron curtain'. Revealed limiations of containment. Hungary part of Soviet Bloc.
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Czech Crisis
January 1968, Dubcek wanted to introduce more democracy, no intention to abandon collective agriculture etc, or leave the Warsaw Pact. Prague Spring, end of censorship in June. DDR feared Czechoslovakia would make economic links with west.
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Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Early as May contemplating invasion, effect on detente. Extended Warsaw Pact maoeuvres in Czechoslovakia from July 1968 till August. 20-21 August, 20 divisons from USSR, Hungary, Poland, DDR, Bulgaria invaded.
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Brezhnev Doctrine
25th September 1968, after Czech invasion. USSR & allies, especially Poland & DDR would invade any communist country that deviated from its 'duty'. Abandoned 1989. Extended Cold War.
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Fear of communism in Germany
Ulbricht supported NK. East had built paramilitary of 60,000. Adenauer asked Allied High Commisioners to be allowed to build a defence force.
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European Defence Community suggested in 1950 by Pleven(french). NATO would create force in Europe that would include German armed units. Reinforced that germany would be permanently divided. Alarmed France.
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More independence for Federal Republic
From 1951-52, negotiations about making it an independent state and to begin re-armament. Pro-Western bluffer. May 1952, General Treaty replaced Occupation Statute, removed High Commission, so could create forces.
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Soviet Response to German rearmament
Offered to support German reunification, neutral Germany. Major uprising in E.Germany 1953, Soviet troops & tanks suppressed unrest in June. Adenauer wong elections September 1953. General Treaty accepted by Germany & France 1954, French rejected EDC
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Re-armament & it's effects
October 1954 France persuaded to agree on W.German army & entry into NATO, took placed 1955. Not to have nuclear weapons, British forces remain there as a safeguard.
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Migration of E.Germany
By 1950, 1870,000 fled. In 1952, after appeals from German leadership, Stalin agreed to close border, loophole remaiend in Berlin. 1955, USSR have control of E.German borders to E.German authorities.
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Probelms in E.Germany
3.5million fled by 1961, long term economic damage. 20% of people had left, often most educated and trained. 'Economic miracle' in 1950's W.Germany. July & August 1961 alone, 36,000 left via Berlin.
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Building of the wall
Would not disrupt rail communication. Critical Chinese communists. 12th August 1961, border closed at night, building of stone wall 17th August. 1962 inner wall built 'zone of death' up until 1980. 5000 managed to escape up to 1989. 136 deaths.
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Significance of wall
Rusk(US secretary of State) 'monument to communist failure'. Propoganda for West as symbol of oppression. Increased tensions. Ended detente. Leaders wedded to defence of a failing system.
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Second Arms Race
By 1957, Russians caught up. August 1957, USSR tested successful ICBM. Launch of Sputnik satellite. USA overestimated number & quality of USSR missiles, missile race, Atlas missiles operational by 1958, Titan & Minuteman developed.
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Mutually Assured Destruction
Could destroy 80% of Russian population & industry. MIRV in 1964 could target US missile silos. Increasing desctructive capactiy of missile warheads. Increasing accuracy. Developing system to intercept missiles.
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Star Wars
After 1980, and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan & expansion of naval forces, fear of Soviet S-20 missiles, led to Strategic Defence Initiative, or 'Star Wars'. Went against 1972 agreements to limit defense. USSR under pressure to compete.
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International Geophysical Year
1957-58, 67 countries contributed scientific research into the atmosphere.
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Card 2


Situation in Poland


Unhappy Catholic population. After death of Moscow-dominated Bierut, more liebral Rokossowski became defence minister. October 1953, deviationalist Gomulka became communist leader. Accepted by Krushchev after Polish October.

Card 3


Situation in Hungary


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Card 4


Why did the revolts have such a limited effect on the Cold War?


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Card 5


Czech Crisis


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