cold war

what was the grand aliance?
Britain, USA and USSR working together to defeat Germany
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who was the early leader of Britain
Winston Churchill
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who was the leader of USSR
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who was the early leader of USA
4 of 42
what year did WW2 begin and end
5 of 42
which country did Hitler invade in 1939 triggering conflict?
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which 2 countries signed the nazi-soviet pact?
USSR and Germany
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what did the Nazi soviet pact mean?
a treaty of non violence between USSR and Germnay
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what year did USSR join the war against Germany
June 1941
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Main features of Capitalism
based on freedom and democracy and make money for themselves
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Main features of Communism
state to take control of the economy and run it to be equal for everyone
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Main critsicm of Communism
communism enslaved people to the state
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Main critisicm of Capitlaism
exploits workers and makes the rich richer
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when was the Tehran confernce?
November 1943
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what were the key decisions at the Tehran conference
a winning strategy to end the war, USA and GB to open another attack on Western front, Stalin would declare war on Japan to help USA
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When was the Yalta confernece?
February 1945
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key events of the Yalta conference
Nazi party to be banned, Berlin and Germany to be split into 4 zones, 20 billion reperations, UN was set up
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When was the Potsdam conference?
August 1945
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key events at Potsdam conference
finalised decisions at Yalta, reparations divided between 4 zones, Trumen tells Stalin about succesful nuclear bomb launch
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When was the UN set up?
June 1945
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How did the development of atomic bomb damage US-Soviet relations
soviets saw it as a threat, they were not as developed yet, could use them against USSR
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What was the Truman Doctrine?
a speech delivered by Truman to congress about his thoughts towards communism and the USSR
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What did Truaman anounce in his doctrine?
he would offer financial aid and support to countires in danger falling to communism, saw communists as evil and a threat, contain communism in Eastern Europe
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What happened to Greece
GB was supporting the Royalists fight the communists by providing troops and money, when they couldnt do this anymore they asked USA to help which they did
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How much money did USA give to Greece?
$400 million and troops
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what was Marshall Aid?
a practical outcome of the Truman Doctrine.
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what was the "warsaw uprising"
when Poland rebelled against German rule
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when was the "warsaw uprising"?
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instead of helping Poland what did the USSR do
the red army waited for Germans to stop rebellions and then invaded Poland themselves
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once in Poland what did the USSR do?
Set up a communist government
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what did Poland become?
A satelite state
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did Poland have free elctions?
USSR said there was. But memebers of the London Poles were forced to flee or impisoned
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who set up pro communist government in Czechoslovakia?
Klement Gottwald
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why did Stalin see Czehoslovakia as a threat?
only democratic country left in the East
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how was Stalin able to take over Czechoslovakia?
communists within Czechoslovakia supported Stalin and removed non-communists from power
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what did Czechoslovakia become?
a satelite state
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what were the results of the election in Hungary 1945?
some communists were elected but not enough for a governement
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what were the results of the 1947 elections in Hungary?
a communist party was set up
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why did voters in Hungary change their minds between 1945-47?
voters were intimiated in a campaign by Stalin
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what did Hungary become once a communist party was set up?
a one party satelite state
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what happened to other countries in Europe?
they supposedly had free elections but voters were intimidated by army, communist governments were brought in
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which other countries were also satelite states?
Yugoslavia and Albania - however they had more freedom as had no borders with Russia
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who was the early leader of Britain


Winston Churchill

Card 3


who was the leader of USSR


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


who was the early leader of USA


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what year did WW2 begin and end


Preview of the front of card 5
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