Cognitive Psychology - Skill Acquisition

  • Created by: Phoebe28
  • Created on: 03-01-17 00:24
What is declarative knowledge?
It is typically verbalisable, explicit and comprises - world knowledge - episodic memory
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What is procedural knowledge?
It is typically not verbalisable and implicit - it underlies skilled behaviour
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What is the power law?
Learning progress is fast then gradually slows down
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What happens at the cognitive stage?
The task is highly dependent on mental processing, frequent errors due to lack of skill&overload of cognitive resources
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What happens at the associative stage?
Patterns of association among actions are being learnt, and become more fluid, cognitive involvement&error rate decreases, errors largely caused by an overload of resources
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What happens at the autonomous stage?
Skill becomes increasingly automated and rapid, performance no longer depends on cognitive resources, errors become rare and are mainly caused by international slips&lapses
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What are motor skills?
Acquisition of precisely adjusted movements in which the amount, direction and duration of responding corresponds to variations in the regulating stimuli
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Why do spaced practice sessions produce a better performance then massed practice sessions?
Because the brain needs time to consolidate the new associations that have been formed
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What is the guidance hypothesis?
Feedback allows the learner to adjust their movements by providing information about errors and deviations from the goal
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Card 2


What is procedural knowledge?


It is typically not verbalisable and implicit - it underlies skilled behaviour

Card 3


What is the power law?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens at the cognitive stage?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens at the associative stage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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