Coca-cola MNC in India

  • Created by: lucy2703
  • Created on: 15-04-17 08:51
Name three reasons why coca-cola is an MNC?
Large market, cheap workers, locating where raw materials are found
1 of 14
Why are the headquarters located in Atlanta, USA?
highly skilled workforce used for accountancy, IT and R+D
2 of 14
Why is manufacturing done in India?
reduces transport cost, cheap workers, more flexible environmental rules
3 of 14
How many bottling factories are in India?
4 of 14
How many people does it directly employ?
5 of 14
How many does it indirectly employ?
6 of 14
How much has Coke's charity spent on social development work in India?
7 of 14
What have they built in villages?
water pumps
8 of 14
Why have they invested in water harvesting schemes?
to save water
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How much are staff paid in India?
50p for 12 hours
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What negative social impact does coca-cola have?
People have to walk further for safe water due to ground water contamination
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What has happened to the water table?
it has fallen by 1m every year Coke has been in Kerala
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What have pesticides in coke caused?
pollution of groundwater supplies causing health problems for newborn babies
13 of 14
How have MNC's locating in LEDC's helped to close the development gap?
more people employed in the higher paid secondary sector as opposed to primary sector
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why are the headquarters located in Atlanta, USA?


highly skilled workforce used for accountancy, IT and R+D

Card 3


Why is manufacturing done in India?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many bottling factories are in India?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many people does it directly employ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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