Coasts and Rivers

  • Created by: Arabella
  • Created on: 07-03-13 18:43
What is the Swash?
Swash is when the water uns up the beach after the wave breaks
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What is backwash?
Backwash is when the water runs down the beach
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What sort of wave is it when the swash is stronger than the backwash?
A constructive wave
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What sort of wave is it when the backwash is stronger than the swash?
A deconstructive wave
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What is a constructive wave?
When the sea water deposits material onto the beach
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What is a deconstructive wave?
When the sea water takes material away and erodes the beach
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What are the four types of erosion?
Hydraulic Acton, Abrasion, Attrition, Solution (corrosion)
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How is a wave created?
When the wind blows over the surface of the water and creates friction
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What is Hydraulic Action?
When water gets into gaps int he rock and weakens and cracks it
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What is abrasion?
When two rocks grind against eachother and wear them away
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What is attrition?
When two rocks bump against eachother and crack then break
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What is solution (corrosion)?
When the chemicals in the water react with particles in soft rocks
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What is precipitation?
Any moisture that falls from the sky
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What is transpiration?
Water that is produced from plants/trees
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What is insterception?
When water is stored on leaves and branches
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What is groundwater flow?
When water flows horizontally through the rocks into the river
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What is throughflow?
When water flows horizontally through the soil into the river
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What is surface runoff?
When water flows horizonatally over the surface into the river
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What is infilltration?
When water is absorbed into the soil then underground
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What is evaporation?
When water droplets turns into water vapour
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What is percolation?
When water flows vertically through soil and rocks
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What is a smaller river that goes into a bigger river?
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What is a large bend in a river?
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What is the point at which two rivers meet?
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Where does a river start?
The source
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Where does a river end?
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What is the area called that all the streams and river in that area drain to?
drainage basin
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What is a channel formed near the mouth called?
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Whats the flat land at the mouth of a river called?
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What is discharge?
The amount of rainfall
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What are the four types of transportaion?
Suspended load, Dissolved load, salutation load, traction(bed load)
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What is slow onset flodding?
Flooding that develops over a few days
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What is rapid onset flooding?
This occurs more quickly, often in highland areas
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What is a flash flood?
An immediate response to a short period of rainfall, without warning
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Physical reasons for flooding?
Remnants of a hurricane, Hilly valleys, Heavy rainfall
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Human reasons for flooding?
Towns built near rivers, Building rivers over rivers, Built steep slopes
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Hard engineering-flodding techniques?
defence walls, remove bridges, widen river channel, trash screen
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Soft engineering-flooding techinques?
Remove trees near river bank,lower river bed
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economic effects of flooding
Impacts business, land is ruining, houses need rebuilding
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social effects of flooding
malnutrition, disease, loss of life
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environmental effects of flooding
sewage, closes channels,storage ponds
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What is a spit?
an accumilation of sand that is connected to land at one end
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What is a tombolo?
a spit or bar connceting an island to the mainland
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What is a bar?
a spit which has grown across a bay sealing it off to create a lagoon
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Soft engineering-coastal techniques
beach nourishment,planting,cliff drainage, managed retreat
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hard engineering-coastal techniques
Groynes,sea walls,rip rap,revetments
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is backwash?


Backwash is when the water runs down the beach

Card 3


What sort of wave is it when the swash is stronger than the backwash?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What sort of wave is it when the backwash is stronger than the swash?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a constructive wave?


Preview of the front of card 5
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