transportation and deposition

  • Created by: Maiaerin
  • Created on: 10-06-18 14:41
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  • transportation and deposition
    • eroded material is moved by rivers and the sea
      • Traction: large particle like boulders are pushed along the river bed or sea floor by the force of the water.
      • saltation: pebble-sized particles are bounced along the river bed or sea floor by the force of the water.
      • suspension: small particles like silt and clay are carried along by the water.
      • solution: soluble materials dissolve in the water and are carried along.
    • deposition is the dropping of material
      • costal deposition: waves that deposit more material than they erode are called constructive waves
        • constructive waves have a low frequency (6-8 waves per minute).
        • they are low and long
        • the swash (the movement of water up the beach) is powerful and it carries materials up the coast
        • the backwash (the movement of water down the beach) is weaker and doesn't take a lot of material back down the coast.
          • this means there's lots of deposition and very little erosion.
      • costal deposition: the amount of material that is deposited on an area of coast is increased when:
        • there's lots of erosion elsewhere on the coast, so there's lots of materials available.
        • there's lots of transportation of material into the area
      • river deposition: there are a few reasons why rivers slow down and deposit material. deposition in rivers occur when:
        • the volume of water in the river falls
        • the amount of eroded material in the water increase
        • the water is shallower , e.g. on the inside of a bend
        • the river reaches the sea or a lake at it's mouth


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