Other questions in this quiz

2. What is attrition?

  • The sheer force of the waves eroding the cliff
  • Chemical weathering of rocks
  • Knocking together of pebbles, gradually making them smaller and smoother
  • Small rocks and sand thrown against the cliff face by the sea, eroding it

3. In what layer of rock is a bay formed?

  • Vertical layers of hard, soft then hard rock
  • Vertical layers of soft, hard then soft rock
  • Horizontal layers of hard, soft then hard rock
  • Soft then hard rock
  • Horizontal layers of soft, hard then soft rock

4. What is rotational slip?

  • Soil that is saturated by water and slumps under the weight
  • Sediment that falls off the cliff
  • Rocks that slip from the cliff face
  • Where the waves undercut the cliff

5. Rock armour is a soft engineering option.

  • False
  • True




Loving the quiz :) Especially question 8. ;) Hello Georgia



would be more useful if it told you the correct answers to the ones you got wrong x



Excuse me Caz, but obviously you haven't been on this site very long because it's not possible to give the correct answers after the test.. it's just not an option to choose when making it.. if you tried yourself then you would know! And maybe try the test again till you get the right answers... oh my.



thank you bryony i see my geography genius is rubbing off on you. (please tell me you got them all right!) **

Rhys B-M


Good Quiz, 80%! Keep it up :)



ahem, if you clicked the 'show answers' at the bottom of the quiz after you submitted caz and bryony, it shows you the answers...

Ryan Thomas


What's the point in question 8? cus im sure thats gonna come up in the exam...

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