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6. Does a spit always have a curved end?

  • False
  • True

7. What is the difference between a bar and a spit?

  • There are no differences
  • A bar is across a river or a bay mouth and a spit is attached to land
  • A bar is shingle and a spit is sand
  • A spit is detached from land and a bar is attached

8. Geography is boring.

  • I study rocks in my spare time.
  • No, it is my favourite subject and my life
  • Yes, I fall asleep in lessons
  • Yes, definitely. It couldn't get more boring
  • It is difficult to disincline to aquiest to this request

9. What is managed retreat?

  • Building up cliffs
  • Killing off animals to stop food mountains
  • Allowing the controlled flooding of low-lying coastal areas or cliffs to retreat
  • Leaving everything to flood all at once

10. Which waves have a stronger backwash compared to swash?

  • Hydraulic
  • Destructive
  • Constructive
  • Corrosive